text tied to sql_handle is inconsistent

  • I built a custom auditing construct where I store the text of the stored procedure I am currently executing. The code I use to accomplish this is below:



    --some list of commands/inserts/etc

    -- audit this procedure

    DECLARE @sql_handle-2 varbinary(max)

    DECLARE @AuditedText varchar(max)

    SELECT @sql_handle-2 = sql_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE sql_handle IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @AuditedText = [text] FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@sql_handle)

    INSERT INTO AuditLog(AuditedText)


    99 out of 100 times this works perfectly but I'm noticing that sometimes it will pull text completely unrelated to what was actually executed....for example this was returned once:

    create procedure sys.sp_trace_getdata

    (@traceid int,

    @records int = 0



    select * from OpenRowset(TrcData, @traceid, @records)

    or a backup statement....

    My question is, why is the sql_handle not returning the handle of the text that was executed when I thought this was specific to the spid tied to the procedure? Could there be multiple sql_handles in the DMV and I'm pulling back the wrong one? How can I ensure this sql_handle is for this procedure?

    Any ideas?

  • No one uses sql_handle??

  • Maby to late but


    SELECT @sql_handle-2 = sql_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = @@spid and sql_handle IS NOT NULL

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