Text in Row

  • I have a table that is not performing too well.  It is defined as:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MDS_NoteText] (

        [MDS_JurisdictionID] [char] (13) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL ,

        [MDS_FacilityID] [char] (13) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL ,

        [MDSRESID] [char] (13) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL ,

        [ParentType] [numeric](19, 5) NOT NULL ,

        [ParentSequenceNum] [numeric](19, 5) NOT NULL ,

        [ParentDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

        [ParentTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

        [MDS_Note_Index] [char] (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL ,

        [SequenceNum] [numeric](19, 5) NOT NULL ,

        [DEX_ROW_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

        [MDS_NoteText] [text] COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL



    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MDS_NoteText] ADD












        )  ON [PRIMARY] ,

         CHECK (datepart(hour,[ParentDate]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[ParentDate]) = 0 and datepart(second,[ParentDate]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[ParentDate]) = 0),

         CHECK (datepart(day,[ParentTime]) = 1 and datepart(month,[ParentTime]) = 1 and datepart(year,[ParentTime]) = 1900)


    The SELECT statement in the proc that is getting poor response uses all columns of the index resulting in an INDEX SEEK.  I usually get good response executing the  proc from QA.  I still get fairly bad response from the application.  The specific example I am using to test returns a lot of rows.  I did a showcontig on this table and got:

    DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'MDS_NoteText' table...

    Table: 'MDS_NoteText' (1939590048); index ID: 0, database ID: 5

    TABLE level scan performed.

    - Pages Scanned................................: 17162

    - Extents Scanned..............................: 2360

    - Extent Switches..............................: 2359

    - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 7.3

    - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 90.93% [2146:2360]

    - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 99.87%

    - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 483.6

    - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 94.03%

    According to some notes I have:

    "Scan Density [Best Count: Actual Count]: One of the most useful of the percentages returned by DBCC SHOWCONTIG. This is the ratio between the Best Count of extents and the Actual Count of extents. This percentage should be as near to 100% as possible. Lower percentages indicate external fragmentation.

    Logical Scan Fragmentation: Shows the ratio of pages that are out of order. This percentage should be between 0% and 10% with anything higher indicating external fragmentation.

    Extent Scan Fragmentation: Shows any gaps between extents. This percentage should be 0% and higher percentages indicate external fragmentation. "

    Our Extent Scan Fragmentation is very high.  I checked the fragmentation of the MDSHC.mdf file.  It is in 2 extents.  That doesn't seem very fragmented.  Any idea why our Extent Scan Fragmentation is high?  Could this be contributing to poor response with notes?  The notes are stored in column of type text.  I understand that text type columns may not actually stored within the table.  On a test version of this database I ran the following command EXEC sp_tableoption 'MDS_NoteText', 'text in row', '4000'  and then updated each row by adding a blank character to force the tesxt to store in row.  I was getting better response.  Is this coincidence or should Text in row work better?  How can I get better Extent Scan Fragmentation?


  • You really need a clustered index on the table otherwise you have a HEAP which over time will have "holes" where data is removed or updated with deferred updates. Rebuilding the indexes on a table where there is no clustered index will not remove your leaf level fragmentation in the table.

    As to text data, generally if you can fit in page then use a varchar. That said there are sometimes advantages to keeping the text data off page. I'm sure Kalem Delany has this covered in Inside SQL books.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Thanks for your comments.  I'll look into this.


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