text data type definition

  • If a field is typed as text, length(16) how many characters / bytes will it hold?


  • Go look at Books Online in the Transact-SQL Reference section and look at the article 'char and varchar'



  • I understand the length criteria for varchar,

    I do not understand how length relates to text data types.


  • Sorry about that. Does this help?

    "Unless the text in row option is specified, text, ntext, or image strings are large character or binary strings (up to 2 gigabytes) stored outside a data row. The data row contains only a 16-byte text pointer that points to the root node of a tree built of internal pointers that map the pages in which the string fragments are stored. For more information about the storage of text, ntext, or image strings, see text, ntext, and image Data."

    See "creating and maintaining databases" The 'text in row data' subject. It shows how you can limit how much text someone is able to place in the text field if you have turned on the 'text in row' option for your table. Otherwise if you don't have 'text in row' turned on, then 16 bytes of your row are used to point to the text storage which can be up to 2GB in size.



  • Thanks Michelle !!

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