Test if table columns are identical

  • CREATE TABLE #tblTasks


    TaskID int,

    Task varchar(20),

    SortID int



    INSERT INTO #tblTasks (TaskID, Task, SortID)

    SELECT 1, 'Task 1', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Task 2' , 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'Task 3' , 3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 'Task 4', 4

    CREATE TABLE #tblProject_Tasks


    TaskID int,

    Task varchar(20),

    SortID int


    INSERT INTO #tblProject_Tasks(TaskID, Task, SortID)

    SELECT TaskID, Task, SortID FROM #tblTasks

    DROP TABLE #tblTasks

    DROP TABLE #tblProject_Tasks

    At this point, in terms of data, the tables are identical. And #tblProject_Tasks is 'based on' #tblTasks in the sense that the data was copied from #tblTasks.

    Let's say I change the sort order of the 'base' table (#tblTasks) so that Task 3 appears before Task 2 (when sorted by SortID) - so, the data looks like:


    1______Task 1 ____1

    3______Task 3_____2

    2______Task 2_____3

    4______Task 4_____4

    How can I compare #tblTasks and #tblProject_Tasks - based on the TaskID and SortID and establish whether anything has changed?

    It is possible, for example, that a task is removed from the 'base' table but not from the 'project task' table (or, as above, could be re-sorted) and I need to establish whether the #Project_Tasks table is still an exact copy of the #tblTasks or whether a change - in either table - has occurred.

    It is also possible that a row is removed from the 'base' table and another row added. So both tables have the same number of rows.

    I am after a query that does this.

    Does #tblTasks' have any Task ID that does not appear in #tblProject_Tasks and vice versa. I guess something like this will do it:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT TaskID FROM #tblTasks WHERE TaskID NOT IN (SELECT TaskID FROM #tblProject_Tasks))

    OR EXISTS (SELECT TaskID FROM #tblProject_Tasks WHERE TaskID NOT IN (SELECT TaskID FROM #tblTasks))

    So, scrub this one out - think I know how to do it.

  • You could use Full Outer Join to compare the two tables and you can use BINARY_CHECKSUM to check the difference between rows with the same id. Like so:

    drop table #tblTasks;

    drop table #tblProject_Tasks;

    CREATE TABLE #tblTasks


    TaskID int,

    Task varchar(20),

    SortID int



    INSERT INTO #tblTasks (TaskID, Task, SortID)

    SELECT 1, 'Task 1', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Task 2' , 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'Task 3' , 3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 'Task 4', 4 union all

    select 5, 'Task 5', 5

    CREATE TABLE #tblProject_Tasks


    TaskID int,

    Task varchar(20),

    SortID int


    INSERT INTO #tblProject_Tasks(TaskID, Task, SortID)

    SELECT TaskID, Task, SortID FROM #tblTasks where TaskID < 5

    update #tblProject_Tasks

    set SortID = case when TaskID = 2 then 3

    when TaskID = 3 then 2

    else SortID end









    when a.TaskID is null or b.taskID is null then 'Missing'

    when BINARY_CHECKSUM(a.TaskID, a.Task, a.SortID) <> BINARY_CHECKSUM (b.TaskID, b.Task, b.SortID) then 'Different'

    else 'Same'

    end as RowDiff


    #tblTasks a

    full outer join

    #tblProject_Tasks b on a.TaskID = b.TaskID

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
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  • Thank you for that.

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