tempdb reporting Error: 9002 log full

  • first of all, don't shrink it unless you have to because space needed on the drive by something else. Tempdb has grown to this size because it needed to at some point. so unless there was a one off or runaway job that caused this, this is the size (roughly) you should set tempdb to (as discussed by others above).

    At a quite time you can shrink the file via query analyzer:

    dbcc shrinkfile(tempdev,size in MB)

    shrink it to slightly smaller than you really want then use alter database command to set final size, and it will be this size on reboot.

    I know when tempdb size has grown as its a process which we perform once in a 3 months. I needed the space back because of space issue on disk and the process which takes this much space will again be executed after 3 months. I tried to shrink it will every possible manner except restarting sqlservice, but failed.

    If I couldn't shrink it in another couple of days then my last choice would be restart services, which will get tempdb to minimal size.

    SQL DBA.

  • SanjayAttray (9/10/2008)

    I know when tempdb size has grown as its a process which we perform once in a 3 months. I needed the space back because of space issue on disk and the process which takes this much space will again be executed after 3 months.

    You may want to consider rewriting the quarterly task to be a wee bit more effecient. 🙂

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