Tempdb growth

  • Hi Guys,

    Need urgent help, i need to know / track how many times the tempdb autogrowth is fired.

    I have done the below change to the tempdb and i want to check this in sql logs but unable to find it.

    USE [master]


    ALTER DATABASE [tempdb] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'tempdev', FILEGROWTH = 20%)


    ALTER DATABASE [tempdb] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'templog', FILEGROWTH = 20%)


    The Actual problem, There is available disk space in OS system drive. i.e D: 50 GB free space avaible and autogrowth has been specified as 20%. But when the client running some process which is making tempdb to grow and ending up with an error saying

    Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -888228007)' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.

    But there is ample amount of free space being available.

    At First , i would like to know whether the autogrowth is happening or not.

    if so, i want to track how many times the autogrowth is done.

    Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • I tried to investigate the issue.

    Tried at my local end.

    Temp.mdf initial size 10m , autogrwth = 10% , maxsize =20m

    Temp.ldf intital size 1m, autogrowth=10% , unrestricted growth

    now, i tried to do some insert operation in temp db as follows

    select @@spid


    use tempdb


    create table #temp

    (id int,

    sname char(100),

    saddr char(100)


    declare @i numeric

    set @i =1

    while @i>0


    insert into #temp

    select 777,'hjsdgfhsdgfhjsdf','manu'



    ERROR :::

    Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 6

    Could not allocate space for object '#temp__00000000001A' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.


    Also, i opened one more window and i was excuting the below cmd, to check the autogrowth of the mdf and i can clearly observe the growth.

    use tempdb



    Now, my doubt is, am inserting records into a temp table it is saying

    Could not allocate space for object '#temp__00000000001A' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.

    But when will i get the ERROR saying

    Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -667755274)' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full

    Is that sql server is inserting into a User table / Meta-data(system) table ??????????????

    Expecting more comments on this!

  • First, in the Object Explorer window of SSMS, look for tempdb under System Databases. Right click on tempdb and select Reports, then Standard Reports, then Disk Usage. If there have been autogrowth events recorded in the default trace you will see them here.

    Second, you should not be growing your tempdb in percentage increments. Each time it grows, it grows by a larger amount. The problem you are experiencing may be a result that tempdb could not grow fast enough for the database engine and it reported that the database was full.

    You should set tempdb to a size large enough for your daily activity without worrying about it needing to grow. The autogrowth should be set to a fixed amount to allow tempdb to grow when needed due to extraordinary events or unexpected growth in activity.

  • Thank You.

    I will allocate sufficient space in the beginig and kick off the script!

    Thanks once again!

  • Hi,

    I want to keep track of all the autogrowths of a particular database in sql server table , how can we do that?

  • mahesh.vsp (11/12/2009)


    I want to keep track of all the autogrowths of a particular database in sql server table , how can we do that?

    This is also along the lines of the tempdb. Though you may need an autogrowth from time to time, you really should set the db large enough so it will give you enough free space to allow for enough data over the next 1-2yrs (some say more, some say less).

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hi All,

    I have allocated enough space and the problem was resolved.

    Thanks all.

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