tempdb auto grow changes back to growth by 1 MB

  • We have created tempdb with multiple files to improve performance. We set the files to grow by 10 percent. However, When we select Options again, the setting has reverted to file growth by 1 MB. Can anyone advise?

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • This is a bug within SQL Server.

    Microsoft can tell you how to fix this problem which is to update the sysfiles table to change the file growth from KB to a percentage.

    You will need to restart SQL Server for the change to have an effect.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Can you tell me how to make the change? I notice there is a column called status that seems to have an impact, but we are not sure what to change it to...

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • Not to worry, guys. I found the solution on



    (I should have read Carl's posting better.)



    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • I had the same problem once and changed from 10% to 20% and it did not revert back.

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