temp tables in nested sproc

  • I'm using a sproc that calls another sproc with an output param and populates the temp table 1 in sproc 1 from sproc 2 output param.

    When I exec sproc 1 I get the results of both tables where as I only want to see the results of the temp table in sproc 1.

    is there a way I can get around this:

    here's the sproc:


    if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = N'sp_Fleet1')

       drop procedure sp_Fleet1


    CREATE PROCEDURE  sp_Fleet1(@country varchar(50), @team varchar(50))



    -- declare all variables!

    DECLARE     @iReturnCode       int,

                @iNextRowId        int,

                @iCurrentRowId     int,

                @iLoopControl      int,

                @Vslname     varchar(50),

         @vsl_sii  decimal(4,3)

    select @country = 'Vancouver'

    select @team = 'Phoenix'

    -- Initialize variables!

    SELECT @iLoopControl = 1

    SELECT @iNextRowId = MIN(tk.ID)

    FROM tkSiteId tk, vfsif001 vf

    where tk.SiteId = vf.SiteId

    and tk.managed_by_country = @country

    and tk.team = @team

    -- Make sure the table has data.

    IF ISNULL(@iNextRowId,0) = 0


                SELECT 'No data in table!'



    --Create temp table to store values

    create table #fleet_vsls

     (vsl_name  varchar(50),

      vslsii   decimal(4,3),

      country  varchar(50),

      team   varchar(50)


    -- Retrieve the first row

    SELECT           @iCurrentRowId   = tk.Id,

                     @Country = Managed_by_Country,

                     @Vslname = vslname

    FROM   tkSiteId tk, vfsif001 vf

    where   tk.SiteId = vf.SiteId

    and        tk.id = @iNextRowId

    -- start the main processing loop.

    WHILE @iLoopControl = 1


         -- call the sp_vessel sproc to calculate the vessel sii

     exec sp_vessel @vessel = @vslname, @vslsii = @vsl_sii output


    INSERT INTO #fleet_vsls

      VALUES (@vslname,





         -- Reset looping variables.           

                SELECT   @iNextRowId = NULL           

                -- get the next id

                SELECT   @iNextRowId = MIN(tk.Id)

                FROM tkSiteId tk, vfsif001 vf

         where tk.SiteId = vf.SiteId

                AND    tk.Id > @iCurrentRowId

                -- are there any more rows?

                IF ISNULL(@iNextRowId,0) = 0



       select * from #fleet_vsls




                -- get the next row.

                SELECT  @iCurrentRowId = tk.Id,

                        @Country = Managed_by_Country,

                        @vslname = vslname

                FROM tkSiteId tk, vfsif001 vf

         where tk.SiteId = vf.SiteId

                AND  tk.Id = @iNextRowId           



    select * from #fleet_vsls



    grant execute on sp_fleet1 to public


    exec sp_fleet1 @country = '@country', @team = '@team'


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • For someone to be able to help you should provide the tables and sample data with the req result.

    From my undertanding (which can be wrong ) if you transform your SP sp_vessel into a UDF your SP can be reduced to

     SELECT vslname, dbo.sp_vessel(vslname),@country, @team

     FROM tkSiteId tk, vfsif001 vf

     WHERE tk.SiteId = vf.SiteId

     AND tk.managed_by_country = @country

     AND tk.team = @team

    Kindest Regards,


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