Temp Tables

  • I have a TSQL Problem. I can not seem to reuse a temp table name. We are trying the below code, and it will not run.

    The error we are getting is:

    Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 2, Line -1

    There is already an object named '#tmpReportClient' in the database.

    The code is:

    DROP TABLE #tmpReportClient

    DECLARE @iReportID AS Int

    DECLARE @iParentClientID AS Int

    SET @iReportID = 69

    SET @iParentClientID = 7887

    SELECT tblReportClient.iClientID INTO #tmpReportClient

    FROM tblReportClient

    INNER JOIN tblClient


    tblReportClient.iClientID = tblClient.iClientID


    tblReportClient.iReportID = @iReportID

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0


    DROP TABLE #tmpReportClient

    SELECT DISTINCT iClientID INTO #tmpReportClient FROM tblClient WHERE iParentClientID = @iParentClientID


    SELECT * FROM #tmpReportClient


    Is the re-use of #tmpReportClient not allowed?

  • Try dropping the temp table right after the select rather than at the top

    SELECT * FROM #tmpReportClient

    DROP Table #tmpReportClient

  • I still get the same error, that There is already an object named '#tmpReportClient' in the database.

  • i think i see what the problem is ...

    try declaring the table explicitly

    CREATE TABLE #tmpReportClient


    instead of SELECT INTO

    better still you can put the whole code in a procedure and use table variables or temp tables..if you can ,stick to table variables ..(this is only available in SQL 2000)

  • Which version of SQL Server are you using.If it is 6.5 then you cannot create and drop a temporary table in the same stored procedure and use it again.

    May be it has changed in SQL 2000 but for 6.5 it is not possible to use the same temporary table name again in same stored procedure.Check on Temproary Tables in BOoks Online for details.

  • As part of your cleanup , y ou should delete the temp table at the end of your stored proc. It may not seem logical but the results have already been passed to the caller and the temp table is no longer necessary. Unless you have other processing that relies on it, it would be good coding pratice to clean up and release any resource you create as part of a procedure.

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