Technical Query

  • Hi

    I have one report which shows detail of selected customer but Every Sales Manager has list of customer and this list is not static it change every month. i want one report so that every sales manager can access that.i am using matrix for this report because we need to check monthly spend.

    Because no of customer is alwasy more then 100 so not easy to check detail of single customer. Anybody can suggest what is the best way to deal this problem.

    Is there anyway that by excel uploading excel sheet we can make selection on report.

    Other Query

    Is it possible to add Column in matrix which shows three month avg and check if avg is less then current month text colour is red other wise green

    eg Current month Aug then need three months may,june,july.

    Thanks a lot.


  • You probably need to set up a report that uses a list control tied to a query that is grouped by each sales person. Then put a sub report that shows the detail for each customer and pass parameters from the list control to the subreport so the sub report shows the detail for the customer. Then each sales manager could request the report for their area and get just their customers. The list of Excel data probably needs to be imported into the database and then use a query to make the report selection. The import can be automated using DTS.

    Hope this helps.




  • Thanks a Lot Stuart

    It make sense...............

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