Task question - Creating Directories?

  • I need to do the following steps as a DTS Package:

    1). read files from a specific location on a specific machine.

    2). import those records into a staging db.

    3). copy inserts/updates into a live db.

    4). create a datetime-stamped directory on the machine to move the source files into (I will need to read the datetime from a column in the source file).

    5). schedule the whole thing to run once a day (new source files are placed in the source directory every day).

    I am perfectly okay with Tasks 1-3 & 5, however I have no idea how to do 4). - can anyone help?

    Kind regards,


  • Something like this should give you some ideas.

    Dim oFso, oFolder, cNewName

     Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     Set oFolder = ofso.GetFolder("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Development\ppnet\")

     cNewName = Replace(CDate(Date),"/","") + Replace(Time,":","")

     oFolder.Name = cNewName

     oFolder = Null

     oFso = Null

     DTSGlobalVariables("Backup Folder").Value = cNewName

    I am certainly not an expert on VBScript but it seems to work ok.

    I hope it gives you some pointers.

  • Best way is to use mkdir command
    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'mkdir "c:\temp\foldername\"'
    This code goes into a normal sql statement. Just select the foldername from your table into a variable and replace 'foldername' with the name of that variable.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

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