Take the backup to Shared disk

  • Hi ,

    i want to take the full database backup. but i don't have enough space to take the backup in present server ,so i am planning to take the backup to other server [both are in the same domain] at the time of backup.

    i treid with the below command :

    BACKUP DATABASE [database name] TO

    DISK =N'\\servername\C$\DBBackup\databasename.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,

    NAME = N'databasename-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,

    STATS = 10,copy_only

    But i am getting the error.

    Could you please suggest me how to take the backup to other server shared folder.

    1. By using UNC

    2. By using linked server



  • You cannot take backup using linked server. Linked server is meant for querying only.

    What error did you get?

    I guess, it was related to permission.

    Service account should have write access to this share.

    Try to take backup to a shared folder instead of C$:

    BACKUP DATABASE [database name] TO

    DISK =N'\\servername\ShareName\DBBackup\databasename.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,

    NAME = N'databasename-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,

    STATS = 10,copy_only

  • please don't use the C$ share for this purpose ! It is supposed to be for administrative stuff.

    Create your own backup share on your target server, grant the service account write auth on that share and user the share in your file definition.


    Keep in mind, using copy_only sqlserver will not maintain its backup chain with regards to your backup.

    ( I guess/hope you put it there for testing purposes )


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  • Suresh B. (6/20/2012)

    You cannot take backup using linked server. Linked server is meant for querying only.

    That is actually not true, although a Linked Server will not do what the OP was probably imagining it would do in their scenario:


    TO DISK = N''C:\msdb.bak''



    NAME = N''Full Database Backup'',




    STATS = 10') AT [LinkedServerName];

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  • ALZDBA (6/20/2012)

    please don't use the C$ share for this purpose ! It is supposed to be for administrative stuff.

    Create your own backup share on your target server, grant the service account write auth on that share and user the share in your file definition.


    Agreed. Create a backup share and stop using C$.

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