TableSize for Fun

  • select so.Name as TableName

    ,TableSizeMB = si.dpages *8 / 1024

    ,IndexSizeMB = sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8 / 1024

    ,TotalSizeMB = (si.dpages * 8 /1024) + (sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8 / 1024)

    ,TableSizeKB = si.dpages *8

    ,IndexSizeKB = sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8

    ,f.Name as FileGroupName

    ,d.physical_name as FGFileName

    from sysindexes si

    Inner join sys.objects so

    on so.object_id =

    and so.is_ms_shipped = 0

    and so.type = 'U'

    and si.indid in (0,1)

    Inner join sysindexes si2

    on so.object_id =

    and si2.indid > 1

    and si2.indid < 255
    Inner Join sys.filegroups f
    on f.data_space_id = si.groupid
    Inner Join sys.database_files d
    on f.data_space_id = d.data_space_id
    group by so.Name,si.dpages,f.Name,d.physical_name
    order by FileGroupName asc,TableSizeMB desc

    I am building this query to determine how much space tables use, which filegroups they belong to, and since there are multiple files in each filegroup - I would like to find how much data for TableA exists on each file in the filegroup. This will make the reporting more accurate. As you can see now, if there are multiple files - I will get the same value for each file in the group as far as Table and Index Size matter.

    SQL 2005; many filegroups and some have multiple files, while others do not; no partitioning yet.

    I also realize it would be more accurate to query master.dbo.spt_values to find the low value. However, in my scenario it is 8.

    Any Ideas?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Updated query, but still looking for the ability to find the allocation of each table to each file in the filegroup.

    So far it is not looking too promising.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • current version

    with tablesize as (

    select so.Name as TableName

    ,TableSizeMB = convert(decimal(15,2),si.dpages *8 / 1024)

    ,IndexSizeMB = convert(decimal(15,2),sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8 / 1024)

    ,TotalSizeMB = convert(decimal(15,2),(si.dpages * 8 /1024) + (sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8 / 1024))

    ,TableFreeMB = convert(decimal(15,2),(si.reserved * 8 /1024) -(si.used * 8/1024))

    ,TableSizeKB = convert(decimal(15,2),si.dpages *8)

    ,IndexSizeKB = convert(decimal(15,2),sum(isnull(si2.used,0))*8)

    ,f.Name as FileGroupName

    ,d.physical_name as FGFileName

    ,(select convert(decimal(15,2),sum(reserved)* 8 /1024) from sysindexes where indid in (0,1)) as DBSize

    from sysindexes si

    Inner join sys.objects so

    on so.object_id =

    and so.is_ms_shipped = 0

    and so.type = 'U'

    and si.indid in (0,1)

    Inner join sysindexes si2

    on so.object_id =

    and si2.indid > 1

    and si2.indid < 255

    Inner Join sys.filegroups f

    on f.data_space_id = si.groupid

    Inner Join sys.database_files d

    on f.data_space_id = d.data_space_id

    group by so.Name,si.dpages,f.Name,d.physical_name,si.reserved,si.used


    Select TableName,TableSizeMB,IndexSizeMB,TotalSizeMB,TableFreeMB,TableSizeKB,IndexSizeKB,FileGroupName,FGFileName,DBSize

    ,convert(decimal(15,12),(TableSizeMB + IndexSizeMB)/DBSize) * 100 as TablePercentofDB

    from TableSize

    Order by FileGroupName asc,TableSizeMB desc

    Still looking for that miracle solution

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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