Tables Got Dropped!

  • Is there anyway to find out who/when dropped the tables in our databases? Thanks for any inputs

    Minh Vu

  • Not unless you had a Profiler trace or some other auditing process running that was looking for that event.



  • A log reader, such as Lumigent's Log Explorer, can show you what commands were run. But I don't believe it will show WHO ran the command.

    Like Greg said, there's no way to tell after the fact if you haven't already been collecting the information.


  • Thanks for the inputs.  Beside LogExplorer, there is no way to inform dba the object get dropped?  All I need is to know the object get dropped so that I can rebuild it.  I know this can happen no matter how good security we have, since the dba groups can accidently drop the tables as well and they're human beings.

    Again, looking forward to hear from you since we are under the guns.


    Minh Vu

  • It you wish to avoid accidental use of DROP table then  use CREATE VIEW with SCHEMABINDING

    This will  generate error  when drop statement is executed, so DBA can have a second chance.  And to drop the table, first view has to be dropped, followed by drop table.






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