TableAdapter configuration wizard problem: no mapping exist

  • I'm getting this problem message when executing my SQL query:

    "Generated SELECT statement. 'No mapping exists from DbType Object to a known OdbcType."

    My SQL query:

    SELECT hencdiag.diagcode, hadmlog.hpercode, CONCAT(hperson.patlast, ', ', hperson.patfirst, ' ', hperson.patmiddle) AS name, hcity.ctyname AS district, haddr.ctycode, 
    FROM hadmlog INNER JOIN hperson ON hadmlog.hpercode=hperson.hpercode INNER JOIN haddr ON hadmlog.hpercode=haddr.hpercode INNER JOIN hencdiag ON hadmlog.enccode=hencdiag.enccode INNER JOIN hcity ON haddr.ctycode=hcity.ctycode
    WHERE (hcity.ctyname = ?) AND (hencdiag.diagcode IN (?, ?)) AND (hadmlog.disdate >= ?) AND (hadmlog.disdate <= ?) AND
    (hencdiag.primediag = 'Y') AND (hencdiag.tdcode = 'FINDX') AND (haddr.haddrdte =
    (SELECT MAX(haddrdte)
    FROM haddr
    WHERE (haddr.hpercode = hperson.hpercode)))
    ORDER BY name


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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