table valued function: low performance

  • hello!

    i have a table valued function which has very low performance.

    SELECT * FROM MyFunction(ParamValue1, ParamValue2, ParamValue3)

    takes about 16 minutes.

    when i run a script like

    DECLARE @Param1 INT

    DECLARE @Param2 INT

    DECLARE @Param3 INT

    SET @Param1 = ParamValue1

    SET @Param2 = ParamValue2

    SET @Param3 = ParamValue3

    DECLARE @Result TABLE ...


    ( SQL-text equals to original function)


    SELECT * FROM @Result

    it takes only 30 seconds.

    i tried to recompile the function - no positive result.

    can anybody help me?

    thanks a lot


    ps: i am a german - so don't worry about my english

  • Hello,

    If you code it as an SP, does it still take 16 minutes to execute? Even with the recompile option?

    If the SP is faster, can you compare the SP and UDF execution plans? Any obvious differences?


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • is it a multi-statement table valued function? They don't have statistics so they resolve as 1 row queries. If you're returning more than one row, then the execution plan is bad and performance suffers.

    Can you post an execution plan.

    Also, I agree with the previous post. If you can write it as a stored proc and it runs well, why muck about with the UDF?

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • i made a sp but it also took 16 minutes.

  • Can you post the execution plan?

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Please post the function code listing also.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[puma_rep_UnterEinheiten](@baseorg int,@welt bit,@nachUmsatz char(1),@transid int,@abschlussmonat int,@mart1 smallint, @mart2 smallint, @mart3 smallint, @mart4 smallint, @konsol smallint,@waeid smallint,@filter int,@wirkung char(1))

    RETURNS @report TABLE(child_org_id int,GJ int,hg smallint,summe bigint) AS


    DECLARE @ebene smallint, @aktmonat int

    DECLARE @baseEbene smallint

    select @baseEbene = org_ebene from t_orgeinheiten where org_id = @baseorg

    declare @dauer1 char(1)

    declare @dauer2 char(1)

    set @dauer1 = 'x'

    set @dauer2 = 'x'

    if @wirkung = 'e' or @wirkung = 'b' set @dauer1 = 'n'

    if @wirkung = 'd' or @wirkung = 'b' set @dauer2 = 'y'

    SET @aktmonat = @abschlussmonat

    if @abschlussmonat= 0

    SELECT @aktmonat = abschlussmonat FROM T_SONSTIGES

    if @welt=0


    INSERT INTO @report

    SELECT childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe

    FROM puma_getE5OrgsOnChildorgs(@baseorg)

    JOIN T_MASSNAHMEN on mas_org_id= orgid

    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and sum_E2HB_org_id=0 -- Hauptbaum

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then waeid else @waeid end

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz


    ELSE -- ohne Hebel, schlsselung NB->HB


    SELECT @ebene = org_ebene FROM T_ORGEINHEITEN WHERE org_id=@baseorg

    if @ebene=2 -- nur für verwendung der Funktion als GJ-Bericht!


    INSERT INTO @report

    SELECT childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe

    FROM puma_getE5OrgsOnChildorgs(@baseorg) e5

    JOIN T_MASSNAHMEN on mas_org_id= e5.orgid

    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and sum_E2HB_org_id=0 -- Hauptbaum

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then e5.waeid else @waeid end

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz


    SELECT sum_e2hb_org_id,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe


    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    JOIN T_ORGEINHEITEN as HB_E2 on sum_E2HB_org_id=HB_E2.org_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and sum_e2hb_org_id=@baseorg

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then hb_e2.org_wae_id else @waeid end

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    --AND mas_isHB='n'

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY sum_e2hb_org_id, sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz



    if @ebene=1


    INSERT INTO @report

    SELECT childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe

    FROM puma_getE5OrgsOnChildorgs(@baseorg)

    JOIN T_MASSNAHMEN on mas_org_id= orgid

    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and sum_E2HB_org_id=0 -- Hauptbaum

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then waeid else @waeid end

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz


    SELECT HB_E2.org_id,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe


    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    JOIN T_ORGEINHEITEN as HB_E2 on sum_E2HB_org_id=HB_E2.org_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and HB_E2.org_parent_id=@baseorg

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then HB_E2.org_wae_id else @waeid end

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    --AND mas_isHB='n'

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY HB_E2.org_id,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz


    ELSE -- Ebene = 0


    INSERT INTO @report

    SELECT childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe

    FROM puma_getE5OrgsOnChildorgs(@baseorg)

    JOIN T_MASSNAHMEN on mas_org_id= orgid

    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and sum_E2HB_org_id=0 -- Hauptbaum

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then waeid else @waeid end

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    GROUP BY childorg,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz


    SELECT HB_E1.org_id,sum_GJ,sum_hg,sum(sum_wert) as sum_summe


    JOIN T_SUMMEN on sum_mas_id = mas_id

    JOIN T_ORGEINHEITEN as HB_E2 on sum_E2HB_org_id=HB_E2.org_id

    JOIN T_ORGEINHEITEN As HB_E1 on HB_E2.org_parent_id=HB_E1.org_id

    where mas_id in (

    select heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL

    JOIN T_REPORT_HEBEL on rheb_hgr_id = heb_hgr_id

    WHERE rheb_transact_id = @transId


    and (@filter = 0 or mas_id in (

    SELECT heb_mas_id from T_MASSNAHMENHEBEL mh

    JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h0 on mh.heb_hgr_id = h0.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h1 on h0.hgr_parent_id = h1.hgr_id

    left JOIN T_HEBELGRUPPEN h2 on h1.hgr_parent_id = h2.hgr_id

    WHERE (h0.hgr_id = @filter or h1.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_id = @filter or h2.hgr_parent_id = @filter)


    and HB_E1.org_parent_id=@baseorg

    AND sum_monat=@aktmonat

    AND sum_wae_id= case @waeid when 0 then HB_E1.org_wae_id else @waeid end

    AND msum_nach_umsatz= case mas_mart_id when 2 then @nachUmsatz when 3 then @nachUmsatz else 'y' end

    AND mas_abschlussmonat = @abschlussmonat

    AND mas_mart_id in (@mart1,@mart2,@mart3,@mart4)

    AND mas_verworfen='n'

    AND mas_isDauerhaft in(@dauer1,@dauer2)

    and mas_konsEbene <= @baseEbene

    and mas_konsebene <=@konsol

    GROUP BY HB_E1.org_id,sum_GJ,sum_hg,msum_nach_umsatz





  • how can i post the execution plan?

  • amicusoft (8/22/2008)

    how can i post the execution plan?

    Create the execution plan in a Query Window (Ctrl-L). Then rgot to the results pane and right-click, pick "Save exectution Plan as..". In the Save As dialog, make sure that the file type is "Execution Plan(.sqlplan)".

    Then attach it to your reply. Do NOT try to embed it into the text, the forum security filters eat any embedded html/xml.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • i am not allowed to upload .sqlplan-files.

    should i change the extension to .txt?

  • Zip the file.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • here is the zip.

    plan 1: 0%

    plan 2: 93%

    plan 3: 2%

    plan 4: 2%

    plan 5: 2%

  • amicusoft (8/22/2008)

    i am not allowed to upload .sqlplan-files.

    should i change the extension to .txt?


    Sure, try it.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • i put the .sqlplan-files in the uploaded zip (a few posts ago)

  • The painful plan is very large and difficult to read. The one thing that stands out is that it looks like you're performing the same joins over and over again within the query. That might be the first thing to focus on. Can you post the code?

    BTW, this is multi-statement UDF right? Does it need to be?

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

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