Table Value Function VS ORs

  • The Inline Function will be a LOT faster than a multi statement Function.

    The reason you think the multi Statement Version is faster, is that in your Execution Plan the multi statement Function does not show the cost of the execution that function. Hence it appears to be faster (its hard to be less costly then nothing).

    Execute your query with the MSTVF and run a trace, you will see a very different picture then.

    Just trust me on this, the Inline TVF is a LOT faster since the code it contains gets fully integrated in your query, and by that also optimized by the Query Analyzer.

  • PiMané (3/5/2013)

    Is SQL Sentry Plan more accurate than the Execution Plan from SSMS?!

    I ask this cause in SSMS the TVF is better but in Sentry Plan iTVF is much better...



    You can't compare performance of queries in this way. Nada!

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (3/5/2013)

    PiMané (3/5/2013)

    Is SQL Sentry Plan more accurate than the Execution Plan from SSMS?!

    I ask this cause in SSMS the TVF is better but in Sentry Plan iTVF is much better...



    You can't compare performance of queries in this way. Nada!

    On the same database I created an SP:



    @TipoLancamento NVARCHAR(3),

    @Conta NVARCHAR(20),

    @Ano SMALLINT,

    @Mes SMALLINT,

    @Valor MONEY,

    @MoedaBase NVARCHAR(3)

    ) AS




    SET @CampoMes = 'Mes12DB'

    DECLARE @params NVARCHAR(MAX) = '@ValorIn MONEY, @TipoLancamentoIn NVARCHAR(3), @AnoIn SMALLINT, @MoedaIn NVARCHAR(3), @ContaIn NVARCHAR(20)'

    SET @StrSQL = 'UPDATE a SET ' + @CampoMes + ' = ' + @CampoMes + ' + @ValorIn FROM AcumuladosContas a JOIN dbo.GetSubContasiTVF(@ContaIn) t ON a.Conta = t.SubConta WHERE TipoLancamento = @TipoLancamentoIn AND Ano = @AnoIn AND Moeda = @MoedaIn'

    EXEC sp_executeSQL @StrSQL, @params, @ValorIn = @Valor, @TipoLancamentoIn = @TipoLancamento, @AnoIn = @Ano, @MoedaIn = @MoedaBase, @ContaIn = @Conta


    When executing the queries:

    EXEC [TestSP] '000','111', '2012', 12, 5000, 'EUR'

    UPDATE a SET Mes12DB = Mes12DB + 5000 FROM AcumuladosContas a JOIN dbo.GetSubContasiTVF('111') t ON a.Conta = t.SubConta WHERE TipoLancamento = '000' AND Ano = 2012 AND Moeda = 'EUR'

    With parameterization forced I get the same execution plan but with different values.

    With parameterization simple I get different exectuion plans (not very different).

    But with forced the EXEC takes 15% and the UPDATE 85%, with simple is the other way around...

    Why? How can this options influence performance on a database?

    I read that forced should be used for ERP systems with lots of adhoc queries...



    If you need to work better, try working less...

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