Table Structure Changes

  • We're looking to make a significant change in our database. We would like to drop the table we currently use for employee information and use a different table with a similar structure but different columns names. The table we currently use is on the same database, the new table is on the same server but different database. This change would effect about 150 stored procedures and 20 or so tables (foreign keys). This is on a 2005 server.

    This is really an open ended question for making large structure changes such as this. Are there any best practices out there? How about the use of synonyms in 2005? Is there any way to avoid changing all dependent procedures? Any help or advice would be appreciated. 😀

  • You can create a view using the old column name of the old tables but actually accessing the new tables. Then you may not need to change every procedure.

  • I think that might do the trick, thanks Loner!

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