Table size... need to reduce but how?

  • I have a scenario where table size is larger than Databse size, for example if the DB size is 200GB , then table size is 210 GB, Can you help me to suggest various ways to reduce the size of that table?

  • How did you measure those numbers? It's unlikely a single table can be larger than the whole DB (unless there are different filegroups and not all have been taken into account when calculating the db size...).

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  • meghna.bhargav (9/10/2011)

    Can you help me to suggest various ways to reduce the size of that table?

    You can purge data from the table that you no longer need to reduce the table size. Or you can archive old data outside database(bcp?) or to an archive table and then purge. Or you can backup the database, keep the backup at a safe location and then purge.

    Ways to do it - Delete Statement

    Pradeep Singh

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