Table Size

  • Table size


    SQL uses a B Tree structure for storing data. B Trees use pointers (two headed one to the previous value and one to the next value) to the memory location where the data is stored. When a clustered index is created does SQL create an array of pointers to the memory location of each index value within the cluster? I seem to remember reading this somewhere but can not find the reference. 


    In a set based solution SQL would only be passing pointers to the indexed columns memory locations. Knowing the menory location would allow values contained in the WHERE clause to be evaluated very quickly. Since only pointers to the clustered index columns are being passed it would seem that the total number of columns would not have any impact on performance.




  • what is your question ?


    * Noel

  • Check out BOL. Search for Clustered Indexes in the index, and look at the architecture entry. You probably want the Clustered Indexes subtopic.



  • Sorry I was not clear. my question is does SQL create and store an array of pointers for clustered indexes?




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