Table report by alternet colour row

  • Hi,

    Anybody can help me to solve the problem.The problem is i have created 1 table report with alternet 2 colour row like 1 row is pink den next row is sky and like this wayits repeating.I want in this way like 1st pink den white den sky den blue.

    but i was unable to do that.Please help me.

    Advance Thanks:)

  • Go to the color properties and create an expression for the color for alternate rows using IIF.

  • for that 2 colours i did ..code is

    =iif(Rownumber("table1") Mod 2,"green","pink")

    i want to know what is the code if i want to use 4/5 colours

  • Have a look at this article

    It shows one method of having more than two colours in a report.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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