Table Names that store DTS Package Info

  • Hello Everyone

    I have not been an admin on a SQL 2000 box in some time now, I cannot remember, or find in the list of tables in the MSDB database, the name of the tables where the DTS information and the SQL jobs are being stored.

    I need to query all the info from the table to create a report of the failed SQL jobs. I have just taken over a server that has many jobs that are failing.

    My memory is failing me, nor can I find the tables using Query Analyzer


    Andrew SQLDBA

  • DTS info are all in tables starting sysdts%

    select name from msdb..sysobjects where name like 'sysdts%' and type = 'U'

    job info they all start sysjobs%

    select name from msdb..sysobjects where name like 'sysjob%' and type = 'U'


  • Thanks for the reply

    I found the tables about 2 seconds after posting the message on here. What luck.

    Thank you for the info, I will keep that handy

    Andrew SQLDBA

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