Table joining question. I want to join these two tables into this result. Can anyone help me?

  • Suppose I have two tables called TableA and TableB


    portid      acid       adDate     adTime     adPort     adType

    ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------

    1           0200002    10/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A

    2           0200002    11/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A

    3           0200002    12/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A

    4           0200002    13/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A

    5           0200002    14/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A


    portid      acid       adDate     adTime     adPort     adType

    ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------

    6           0200002    22/11/2007 10:30      MAC        D

    7           0200002    23/11/2007 09:30      HKG        D

    8           0200002    24/11/2007 11:30      TAI        D

    What I want to do is joining these two tables into these result:

    acidA     adDateA     adTimeA    adPortA    adTypeA      acidB     adDateB    adTimeB    adPortB    adTypeB     

    ---------- ----------  --------- ---------- ------      ------- ---------- ----------  --------- ----------      

    0200002    10/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A              0200002    22/11/2007 10:30      MAC         D     

    0200002    11/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A              0200002    23/11/2007 09:30      HKG         D     

    0200002    12/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A              0200002    24/11/2007 10:30      TAI         D     

    0200002    13/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A              Null           Null           Null         Null      Null

    0200002    14/11/2007 10:30      HKG        A              Null            Null          Null         Null      Null

    The above result actually means that TableA and TableB are joined horizontally. How can I do this?Can anyone help me? Thank you!!!

  • DECLARE @TableA TABLE (rowid int IDENTITY(1,1),portid ...)

    INSERT INTO @TableA (portid,acid,adDate,adTime,adPort,adType)

    SELECT portid,acid,adDate,adTime,adPort,adType FROM [TableA] ORDER BY portid ASC

    DECLARE @TableB TABLE (rowid int IDENTITY(1,1),portid ...

    INSERT INTO @TableB (portid,acid,adDate,adTime,adPort,adType)

    SELECT portid,acid,adDate,adTime,adPort,adType FROM [TableB] ORDER BY portid ASC

    SELECT a.portid,a.acid,a.adDate,a.adTime,a.adPort,a.adType,b.portid,b.acid,b.adDate,b.adTime,b.adPort,b.adType

    FROM @TableA a

    FULL JOIN @TableB b ON b.rowid = a.rowid

    ORDER BY COALESCE(a.rowid,b.rowid)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hi David, I think the result of the query you have written is not my expected result.

    Suppose there are two tables:

    Table A:                          Table B:

    id     value                       id      value

    1       A                           4        D

    2       B                           5        E

    3       C

    My expected result is:


    idA    valueA     idB      valueB

    1          A         4            D

    2          B         5            E

    3          C


    And your result is:

    idA      valueA      idB     valueB

    1         A            Null      Null

    2         B            Null      Null

    3         C            Null      Null

    Null     Null            4         D

    Null     Null            5         E



  • It works for me

    Are you sure you are creating  and using the two temp tables and inserting your current data into them ?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Why you expect this result:

    idA valueA idB valueB

    1 A 4 D

    2 B 5 E

    3 C

    Why not

    idA valueA idB valueB

    1 A 5 E

    2 B 4 D

    3 C


    Why not

    idA valueA idB valueB

    1 A

    2 B 5 E

    3 C 4 D


    What in you tables defines which lines joins which one from another table?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Well, In fact, The above is just a sample that is similar to my case. Actually my case is:

    I have the table like this:


    id       pid        adDate         adTime       adPort     adType

    1     020004   10/11/2007      11:00          HKG         A

    2     020004   12/11/2007      14:00          ZHA         A

    3     020004   14/11/2007      16:00          MAC         D

    4     020004   11/11/2007      17:00          TAI          D


    My expected result is:

    id pid adDateA adTimeA adPortA adTypeA adDateB adTimeB adPortB adTypeB

    1 020004 10/11/2007 11:00 HKG A 11/11/2007 17:00 MAC D

    2 020004 12/11/2007 14:00 ZHA A 14/11/2007 16:00 TAI  D



    pid stands for person id. And adType stands for the date type such like Arrival Date and Departure Date.

    The orginally table ArrDep should be separated into two parts:

    select * from ArrDep Where AdType = 'A'    //get all arrival records

    select * from ArrDep Where AdType = 'D'    //get all departure records

    Then sort the above result by adDate. And join these two results into this:


    id pid adDateA adTimeA adPortA adTypeA adDateB adTimeB adPortB adTypeB

    1 020004 10/11/2007 11:00 HKG A 11/11/2007 17:00 MAC D

    2 020004 12/11/2007 14:00 ZHA A 14/11/2007 16:00 TAI  D


  • Your example does not make much sense to me.

    Why are you trying to join departure to the first arrival, not to the last arrival before departure?

    Your expected result shows that the person arrived to HKG and was departed from there to MAC despite the recorded fact that this person was in ZHA in between those events.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sorry for misunderstanding you. I have edited my post. See if you understand my question. Because there are so many situations happened in my case. Sometimes, the total number of arrival records may be greater than the departure records. Sometimes, the total number of departure records are greater than arrivals'. And sometimes the total number of arrival and departure records are same.

  • So, you need to join every Arrival record to the next record (by time recorded) if it's Departure.

    And you need to join every Departure record to previous record (by time recorded) if it's Arrival.

    If the next record after Arrival is another Arrival it should not be joined.

    If the previous record before Departure is another Departure it should not be joined.

    Is it right?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • exactly yes.

  • So, 1st select consequent pairs of events.

    Sorry, I'll not gonna use separated date-time values. Fix your table by combining them into single datetime column by yourself.

    SELECT, E1.EventTime as ArrivalTime, MIN(E2.EventTime) as DepartureTime

    FROM dbo.ArrDep E1

    INNER JOIN dbo.ArrDep E2 ON = and E1.EventTime < E2.EventTime

    GROUP BY, E1.EventTime

    Now, when we have all pairs of events, we need to filter them out by joining to Arrivals and Departures:

    Select A.*, D.*

    FROM ({Query above}) P

    LEFT JOIN dbo.ArrDep A ON = AND P.ArrivalTime = A.EventTime AND A.adType = 'A'

    LEFT JOIN dbo.ArrDep D ON = AND P.DepartureTime = D.EventTime AND D.adType = 'D'

    Was easy so far?

    That's actually it.

    The only thing you probably want to add is


    This will make sure that at least either Arrival or Departure is presented. Just to eliminate "All NULLs" rows.

    And If you want to return passengers having single Arrival record you need to replace INNER JOIN with LEFT JOIN in the first query.

    Give it a try on your actual data.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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