Table join!

  • Hi to all,

    I'll try to explain my Issue as briefly & clearly as possible for me...

    What I need to do:

    I need to join two tables(say 'jan' and 'feb'),each having two columns 'query' and 'querycount' respectievely.The column 'query' contains text data(names,placenames etc..) and the 'querycount' column contains numeric values(all +ve numbers).The 'query' columns in both the tables 'jan' & 'feb' have many values in common with each other.So,what I need to do is to join both the 'jan' & 'feb' tables together such that only unique values remain in the 'query' column and for each value in the 'query' column that remains,the corresponding values in the 'querycount' column should be added (i.e the corresponding values from both the 'jan' & 'feb' tables).

    What I know so far:

    let me explain my problem a little further with the aid of a pictorial example...

    Let's Say I have two tables 'football' n 'baseball' as follows:

    now I know that bothe the tables can be joined by a 'UNION' statement as follows:

    SELECT name,age FROM football


    SELECT name,age FROM baseball that the output is as follows:

    So that part's clear to me. However my tables are as follows:

    'jan' table:


    'feb' table:

    so I want the output as follows:


    ....As you can see I need the unique terms (from the 'query' columns of each table )along with their corresponding values (from 'querycount' column) added from both the tables 'jan' and 'feb'.

    I'm kind of stuck here without being able to do the same... 🙁

    Thank you.

    can someone help me..?

    Any help is appreciated.Thanks in advance.

  • something like this ?

    with cteUnion()



    Select query,querycount from jan

    union all

    Select query,querycount from feb

    union all

    Select query,querycount from mar


    Select query,sum(querycount)

    from cteUnion

    group by query

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • select a.query,sum(a.querycnt+b.querycnt) from #jan a ,#feb b

    where a.query=b.query

    group by a.query

  • >Dave

    you just saved a person frm hanging himself man..;)

    ......jokes apart, thanks a million man.That's Exactly what I needed.Thanks:-)

  • >vyas

    Thank you very much mate:-)

  • vyas (12/29/2009)

    select a.query,sum(a.querycnt+b.querycnt) from #jan a ,#feb b

    where a.query=b.query

    group by a.query

    Will need to be a full outer join.....

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Hi,

    I did as Dave suggested and got the results:) and there are more than 30 million rows in the resultant table.However in the mad dash to execute the query and see the results,I forgot to specify to create a new table and put the results in it:(

    Is there any way by which I can put the Query Results into a new table after executing it,So I can run some queries against the data (in the new table)????

    BTW I already saved as the results as an external text file.

    Thank you.

  • coldfire101 (12/30/2009)

    Is there any way by which I can put the Query Results into a new table after executing it,So I can run some queries against the data (in the new table)????

    BTW I already saved as the results as an external text file.

    Thank you.

    with cteUnion()



    Select query,querycount from jan

    union all

    Select query,querycount from feb

    union all

    Select query,querycount from mar


    Select query,sum(querycount)

    INTO Result

    from cteUnion

    group by query

    the output will be saved in Result table

    -Vikas Bindra

  • coldfire101 (12/30/2009)


    BTW I already saved as the results as an external text file.

    Thank you.

    You can use BCP.exe utility to import the result from the file into a table.

    -Vikas Bindra

  • >Vikas

    Thank you Mate:)

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