Table Copy

  • Hi All

    How can i copy a table from one server to other server with all constraints in place as of the base table 🙂



  • You can use Import Export Wizard but that wont create the constraints.

    For that you have to script out the constraint and ran the same on the destination.

  • BIDS

  • There are 2 ways you can do this.

    If you want all the constraints in place in the new location before the data is imported, I would suggest defining the table and all the required constraints on the destination first. Then use SSIS, or even just the built in export data function through SSMS (depending on your situation) to transfer the data from the source.

    Alternatively, you can use the "Transfer SQL Server Objects" task in SSIS. This lets you move any objects between servers at a very granular level. Here you'll have to manually select each table, constraint, index, etc. that you want to copy.

    Regards, Jim C

  • Script out all your objects at the source and then run it against your destination table.

  • Thanks Every one for the replies, I have used Export wizard in the past but once the table has been moved i script all constraints , i never used SSIS, i will try this and let know the outcome

    Thanks Guys 😀

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