Table constraints

  • Any suggestions on how I can limit the number of rows in a table for a particular criteria but within a table constraint?

    Say I want a user to only enter four rows (don't get into why!) and I'm using their userid as one of the fields how I can I stop them from entering five rows?

    This was a question posed by a student and the answer has to be confined to a table constraint.

    Cheers guys.

  • Interesting. It would be simple enough to implement with a constraint + a trigger, but the trigger would be enough, so the constraint is not needed.

    Considering what a constraint's range is (one column of a row, or one row in the case of a Table Constraint), I do not believe that this is, in fact, doable with only a constraint. More information than is available to a constraint (i.e. the state of other rows in the table) is needed to implement this.

    My edumicated opinion -- can't be done. Constraints evaluate based only on the row being examined. This will require a trigger.

  • Use an INSTEAD OF Trigger and if number of rows is greater than the amount specified then do a ROLLBACK TRAN

    Edited by - noeld on 11/25/2003 10:58:49 AM

    * Noel

  • As there are no table constraints other than PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY in SQL Server, I presume you mean a column CHECK constraint.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CntUser(@userid int)
    FROM TheTable
    WHERE UserId = @userid) END

    CREATE TABLE TheTable(
    id int IDENTITY,
    UserId int CHECK (dbo.CntUser(UserId) < 5))


    Edited by - Jonathan on 11/25/2003 11:02:24 AM


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