Table Constraints

  • I'm kinda new to this so forgive me if my inquiry seems a little foolish!

    I have a database that tracks soccer games and how individual players rate in each game. The three tables of note here are:


    PlayerID - PK




    GameID - PK



    GameID - PK

    PlayerID - PK


    I want to include a constraint on tblRatings that will not allow a rating entry for a PlayerID/GameID unless there is an entry for his TeamID against that GameID in tblGames. I hope I've explained that correctly and any help would be much appreciated... Perhaps my db design is incorrect??


  • Andy,

    One suggestion I might make is that the GAMES table might need to include 2 team IDs, because each unique game must be between 2 teams. Maybe TeamID1 and TeamID2, or Home_TeamID and Away_TeamID.

    Anyway, the suggestion below is based on your current design of only one teamID in a game. Before creating the Ratings table, it creates a function that does the check that you want. That function is then referenced in a CHECK constraint in the Ratings table.

    Note, you'll need to amend the function slightly if you go with the suggestion of 2 teams per Game row.


    -- ====================================================================
    -- Create the PLAYERS table
    -- ====================================================================

    create table tblPlayers (
    PlayerID int primary key,
    TeamID int,
    Name varchar(30))

    -- ====================================================================
    -- Create the GAMES table
    -- ====================================================================

    create table tblGames (
    GameID int primary key,
    TeamID int)


    -- ====================================================================
    -- Function to check that a Play's team participated in a specific game
    -- ====================================================================
    CREATE FUNCTION HasPlayersTeamParticipated
    (@GameID int,
    @PlayerID int)
    RETURNS int
    DECLARE @result INT
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblGames g
    INNER JOIN tblPlayers p ON p.TeamID = g.TeamID
    WHERE g.GameID = @GameID
    AND p.PlayerID = @PlayerID)
    SET @result = 1
    SET @result = 0
    RETURN @result

    -- ====================================================================
    -- Create the RATINGS table
    -- ====================================================================

    create table tblRatings (
    GameID int,
    PlayerID int,
    Rating int ,
    constraint pkRating primary key (GameID, PlayerID),
    constraint ckPlayersTeamParticipation check (dbo.HasPlayersTeamParticipated(GameID, PlayerID)=1)


    -- ====================================================================
    -- Insert test data
    -- ====================================================================

    insert tblPlayers values (1, 100001, 'Smith') -- Player 1 belongs to Team 100001
    insert tblPlayers values (2, 100002, 'Jones') -- Player 2 belongs to Team 100002

    insert tblGames values (1001,100001) -- Team 100001 played in game 1001
    insert tblGames values (1002,100002) -- Team 100002 played in game 1002

    insert tblRatings values (1001,1,6) -- Smithy rated a 6 in game 1001
    insert tblRatings values (1002,2,1) -- Jonesy had a shocker in game 1002
    insert tblRatings values (1002,1,8) -- Oops. Smithy's team didn't play in this game

    - Mark

  • Thanks mccork, that is exactly what I was looking for... I was unaware that you could use Functions in constraints...

    Thanks again!

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