Table Conflict

  • My Vendor created the table like this:

    CREATE TABLE TestTab (

       id int,

       GreekCol nvarchar(10) collate greek_ci_as,

       LatinCol nvarchar(10) collate latin1_general_cs_as


    THEN I

    INSERT TestTab VALUES (1, N'A', N'a')



    PROBLEM when I

    SELECT *

    FROM TestTab

    WHERE GreekCol = LatinCol

    I get an Error

    Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation

    I know I can solve this by doing this

    SELECT *

    FROM TestTab

    WHERE GreekCol = LatinCol COLLATE greek_ci_as


    How do I change a table that was created like that to something the developers can use so that they don't have to go through this pain


  • I answered myself, for those who have the same problem, this is what you can do, alter a column so that the collations are the same

    ALTER TABLE TestTab ALTER COLUMN LatinCol nvarchar(10) collate greek_ci_as

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