T-SQL Syntax and output parameter issue

  • Hello everyone,

    I have a SQL statement thats looks correct but I can't seem to figure out why it's not working. first here is my statement:

    declare @TableName varchar(30) --use for debugging

    declare @ColumnName varchar(30) --use for debugging

    set @TableName = 'Product' --use for debugging

    set @ColumnName = 'PhotoID' --use for debugging

    DECLARE @intCounter int

    DECLARE @sql varchar(200)

    DECLARE @SuccessFlag bit

    DECLARE @RandNum int

    DECLARE @HolderNum varchar(7)

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition varchar(100)

    SET @ParmDefinition = '@SuccessFlag BIT OUTPUT'

    SET @intCounter = 1

    SET @SuccessFlag = 0

    SET @HolderNum = ''

    --WHILE @SuccessFlag = 0


    WHILE @intCounter <= 7


    SELECT @RandNum = (select numfrom dbo.random)

    SET @HolderNum = @HolderNum + CAST(@RandNum AS varchar(1))

    SET @RandNum = @HolderNum

    --SELECT @HolderNum --Use for debugging

    SET @intCounter = @intCounter + 1


    --Take concatenated number and query for. Id it doesn't find, flip flag to true

    SET @sql = 'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT ' + @ColumnName + ' FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' = ' + CAST(@HolderNum AS VARCHAR(7)) + ')


    SET @SuccessFlag = 1


    print @sql

    EXECUTE sp_executesql N'@SQL', N'@ParmDefinition', @SuccessFlag OUTPUT

    print @SuccessFlag --Use for debugging


    print @RandNum --Use for debugging

    The first issue looks to be syntax. The error I got was:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    When I looked at the line 1, it looks like it is correct, so I'm not sure why it is an error.

    Line 1 is:

    declare @TableName varchar(30)

    The second issue is with the outut parameter. The execute statement runs some dynamic SQL:

    ie IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT PhotoID FROM Product WHERE PhotoID = 5818318)


    SET @SuccessFlag = 1


    I know the PhotoID 5818318 doesnot exist in the table so it should set the output @Successflag parameter to 1, but its not. Can't seem to figure out why. Can anyone assist?



  • One thing I see is you are missing and end quote at the end of the SET @sql statement. The ')' isn't closed.

  • with dynamic sql it's always a good idea to print your @sql statements to see how they would execute.

  • On the output param, try changing the if exists to a select and checking @@rowcount. If @@rowcount <> 0 set your output param.

  • Hi David looks like there is an end quote. Its right afer End



  • Sorry, I didn't notice that before. I would still keep the Begin End block out of the dynamic sql like the following:

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @ColumnName + ' FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' = ' + CAST(@HolderNum AS VARCHAR(7)) + ')'


    If @@rowcount > 0


    SET @SuccessFlag = 1


  • The print SQL returns

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT PhotoID FROM Production.Product WHERE PhotoID = 3313553)


    SET @SuccessFlag = 1)


    Which looks correct

  • I like how that @@rowcount looks. Ill try that.



  • That should do the trick. Good luck.

  • I think this has potential to work, but right now its not. The rowcount is not coming from the dynamic sql statement. It looks like its coming from the previous statement that ran in the procedure.

  • I tried this and it worked using one standard sql statement and one dynamic sql statement.

    Declare @rc int

    SET @rc = @@rowcount

    If @rc > 0


    Set output param


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