May 27, 2009 at 5:11 pm
Here is the sample data. Neither one of these clients bought bicycles. I have added the customer part to the query as well and still get the same results.
Name Client_partnerPartner Description Date OpenedDate Closed
GLOBAL PTY LTDRolf LarsenRolf Larsen Helmut 01/02/2009NULL
GLOBAL PTY LTDRolf LarsenRolf Larsen Gloves 01/02/2009NULL
GLOBAL PTY LTDRolf LarsenRolf Larsen ZZZ_Pegs 22/09/200801/02/2009
LIMITED Rolf LarsenRolf Larsen ZZZ_Pegs 26/08/200801/02/2009
LIMITED Rolf LarsenDavid Wilson Helmut 01/02/2009NULL
Sorry if I'm being a bit ditsy, but I feel like I've been staring at this forever. It's starting to get blurry
May 27, 2009 at 8:41 pm
Thanks Jamie. That's seems to have done the trick. Now I just need to get my where clause to exclude those descriptions with zzz and yyy at the beginning of them.
Thanks again for your help
May 27, 2009 at 9:11 pm
Thanks everyone for your help. It's much appreciated. I have my final where clause all sorted now.
Thanks again.
May 27, 2009 at 9:29 pm
Glad you got you query problem solved. Now, I'd like you to carefully read the first article I have referenced in my signature block below. When you have a query problem, please follow the guidelines in that article when posting for help.
For example, the sample data you finally posted for us here? Unusable without us editting it. You need to provide the data in a readily consumable format so that all we have to do is cut, paste, and execute to load into the table(s) that you also provided the DDL (CREATE TABLE statements) for us to create the tables.
In addition, there have been known instances of people going through the process to provide us with everything to help them, and they solved their own problem, so it benefits you as well.
Last thing, please post your final code. It is proper etiquette, and it may help others with a simalar issue as you had.
May 28, 2009 at 9:38 am
Kris (5/24/2009)
That's awesome. Thank you so much. I don't want to push the friendship but they have just now asked me if I can exlude anything that starts with ZZZ and ZZY in the Description.
Interesting requirement. Here's a suggestion:
alter table dbo.TheLookup
add flagExclude bit null
update dbo.TheLookup
set flagExclude = 1
Where left(description,3) in ('zzz','zzy')
Then change the selection of descriptions to exclude any where flagExclude = 1
May 28, 2009 at 9:44 am
Kris (5/26/2009)
Sorry to be a pain, but before I've even add the extra where clauses it doesn't appear to be giving me the correct results. I get 90000 records back when I should get back about 500. I checked the first record and there is no bicycle under that customer so I'm not sure when it's getting. Can you please help me out.
All those inner joins might be creating a cartesian result.
To debug, you should select the smallest possible dataset to identify the customers you are interested in, so:
select count(1)
from customer c (nolock)
where exists (Select top 1 1 from Orders o (nolock) where Product = 'Bicycle' and o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID)
Progressively add the other tables until you find the numbers go nuts. Then you've found the one-to-many relationship to resolve.
You might want to subquery the offending join to stop Captain Cartesian coming to your party:
...inner join (select top 1 id, description from lookup where condition) as lookup
on =
May 28, 2009 at 9:53 am
jamie (5/27/2009)
You might consider trying (based on the last query posted) to remove that exists piece to stop your query from running many sub-queries against your database (it will run a query for every customer in your top query). Moving it to the inner join piece will cause it to only run once bringing back only customers that have bicycle .. This might not work well depending on your indexes.SELECT Customer.Name AS SortName,
vcltAttrib4_364.ainTVal AS Client_Relationship_Partner,
vFEAttrib4.attInstName AS Partner,
Matter.mtrDesc AS Description,
Matter.mtrDateOpened AS Date_Opened,
Matter.mtrDateClosed AS Date_Closed
FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Matter ON Customer.objInstID=Matter.mtrClientID
INNER JOIN vcltAttrib4 AS vcltAttrib4_364 ON Customer.objInstID=vcltAttrib4_364.ObjectInstID
INNER JOIN vFEAttrib4 ON Matter.mtrPartnerID=vFEAttrib4.attInstID
INNER JOIN cdbEntity ON Matter.mtrEntityID=cdbEntity.entID
FROM Customer c
INNER JOIN Matter m ON m.mtrClientID = c.objinstID
INNER JOIN cdbEntity e ON e.entID = m.mtrEntityID
WHERE e.SortName = 'Bicycle') filter on filter.Name=Customer.Name
ORDER BY Customer.Name
Hi Jamie,
I just wanted to point out that because the EXISTS is correlated it does not necessarily run for every row in the outer set.
In fact a lot of the time you will find that using an exists like this cause the optimizer will actually do a semi-join which more often that is faster than a normal join.
remember to always test the different solutions for performance before deciding which is best for you situation:-)
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