T SQL Query help with date ranges

  • Hi there,

    Firstly I would like to say hello, as this is my first post on here.

    Please can I ask for some assistance on date ranges. I am writing some T SQL that someone would like to run for specific weekly dates. They want to be able to specify the weekly dates, but am having problems trying to put it into SQL.

    So far I have this query:

    select callref,costcenter, cust_name, logdate, closedate, resp_time/60 as 'resp_time', fix_time/60 as 'fix_time', pcdesc.info

    from opencall

    left join pcdesc

    on opencall.probcode=pcdesc.code

    where suppgroup = 'XXXX'

    and costcenter in ('xxx.co.uk')

    and year(date_time)='2009'

    and month(date_time)='09'

    and status <>'17'

    order by info desc

    So where it says year and month I would like it to have start and end date parameters instead. This is going to be run via a different reporting tool (not SSRS) so I need to get the right SQL to extract the data.

    I believe I need to do a Declare but am making my brain melt trying to get the right combo (and it's only Weds...bad times!).

    Many thank in advance for your help...

  • Hello

    In order to make use of an index.... AND date_time >= '20090901' AND date_time < '20091001'So those are your start and end times hard coded. Exactly how we parameterise these depends on how you are making the call.

    EDIT - first time I've used grtr than and less than symbols on here: how can I override the html encoding? 😀

  • hallidayd (10/20/2010)


    In order to make use of an index.... AND date_time >= '20090901'

    AND date_time < '20091001'So those are your start and end times hard coded. Exactly how we parameterise these depends on how you are making the call.

    EDIT - first time I've used grtr than and less than symbols on here: how can I override the html encoding? 😀

    Split it on multiple lines.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • GSquared (10/20/2010)

    Split it on multiple lines.

    Ha! Makes sense (although it would be nice if the validation checked the order of the symbols!). Thanks 🙂

  • Blake

    You will want to create a parameterized stored procedure along the lines of:

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[Blake]

    @Start DATETIME




    SET @Syr = DATEPART(yyyy,@Start)

    SET @Smon = DATEPART(mm,@Start)

    SET @Smon = RIGHT('0' + @Smon,2) -- if month in your table 2 characters that is '09'

    SELECT @Syr,@Smon

    /* Run as: dbo.Blake ''10/13/10''*/

    and subsitute the @Syr for your '2009' in

    and year(date_time)='2009'

    and @Smon for your '09' in

    and month(date_time)='09'

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Best practice is be to remove the system functions on the data source columns if at all possible, which in this case it is.

    Similarly, using a language independent date time format ensures your code can be run on any SQL Server, irrespective of configuration, anywhere in the world.



  • bitbucket-25253 (10/20/2010)


    You will want to create a parameterized stored procedure along the lines of:

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[Blake]

    @Start DATETIME




    SET @Syr = DATEPART(yyyy,@Start)

    SET @Smon = DATEPART(mm,@Start)

    SET @Smon = RIGHT('0' + @Smon,2) -- if month in your table 2 characters that is '09'

    SELECT @Syr,@Smon

    /* Run as: dbo.Blake ''10/13/10''*/

    and subsitute the @Syr for your '2009' in

    and year(date_time)='2009'

    and @Smon for your '09' in

    and month(date_time)='09'

    I'd suggest something just a little bit different (to remove the function calls in the where clause). Since we know we want to do all dates for a month:

    DECLARE @ThisMonth datetime,

    @NextMonth datetime;

    SELECT @ThisMonth = DateAdd(month, 0, DateDiff(month, 0, GetDate())),

    @NextMonth = DateAdd(month, 1, @ThisMonth);

    And then, as hallidayd suggested, change the where clause to:

    where suppgroup = 'XXXX'

    and costcenter in ('xxx.co.uk')

    and date_time >= @ThisMonth

    and date_time < @NextMonth

    and status <>'17'

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your help, it's appreciated.

    A good night's sleep and looking at this has made things much clearer. I will work on it today and let you know when it works.

    Thanks again, Karen

  • karen.blake (10/21/2010)

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your help, it's appreciated.

    A good night's sleep and looking at this has made things much clearer. I will work on it today and let you know when it works.

    Thanks again, Karen

    No problem. Thanks for the feedback, and please do let us know how it's working out.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

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