T-SQL Performance 1

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    Edited to include the following at 8:23 AM Feb 17, 2012


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  • It is certainly very good practice to match data types, but that is not the only way to obtain a seek here (assuming the default collation is a Windows one like Latin1_General_CI_AS rather than a SQL one like SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS):

    CREATE PROC QOD_Performance_1

    @Get NVARCHAR(20)




    WHERE Col = @Get;


    EXECUTE dbo.QOD_Performance_1

    @Get = N'XYZ'

    Wondering how this works, or what the Constant Scan and Compute Scalar are for? I wrote about the hard work put in by the optimizer with these sorts of data type mismatches here:


  • Nice question. I immediately chose "yes", because it would have been quite sad if you couldn't force a seek somehow 🙂

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  • Good question


  • Nice, easy question - though I'm sad that as of this time, 8% of respondends got it wrong.

    There is an error in the explanation, though. You can not avoid the implicit conversion. You can only change it. Making the parameter varchar(100) instead of nvarchar(20) means that now the implicit conversion from an implicit conversion from varchar to nvvarchar during the scan, to an implicit conversion from nvarchar to varchar during the procedure call.

    Or you can leave the parameter as is and add an explicit cast in the query. Again, not avoiding the conversion, but making it explicit.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Hi All,

    Interesting question. I think i must be doing something wrong when testing this myself though.

    I've created the table and index like so:

    CREATE TABLE TestTable (ID INT, Col VARCHAR(100));


    CREATE INDEX IX_Col ON TestTable (Col);


    Then created the procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE Test_Procedure

    @Get NVARCHAR(20)


    SELECT ID, Col

    FROM TestTable

    WHERE Col = @Get;

    Then populated the table with some random data:

    DECLARE @int INT;

    SET @int = 1;

    WHILE @int <100


    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    VALUES (@int, 'name' + CAST(@int AS VARCHAR(100)));

    SET @int += 1;


    Now, this does result in a table scan with the CONVERT_IMPLICIT operator.

    If I then change the stored proc to use VARCHAR (or VARCHAR(100)) it still results in a table scan - however the CONVERT_IMPLICIT is gone.

    Is this the correct behaviour? or am I doing something silly....

    Cheers, 🙂

    [font="Times New Roman"]There's no kill switch on awesome![/font]
  • I have a table containg a large number

    DECLARE @int INT;

    SET @int = 1;

    WHILE @int <=1000


    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    VALUES (@int, 'name' + CAST(@int AS VARCHAR(100)));

    SET @int += 1;

    I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only

  • handkot (2/17/2012)

    I have a table containg a large number

    DECLARE @int INT;

    SET @int = 1;

    WHILE @int <=1000


    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    VALUES (@int, 'name' + CAST(@int AS VARCHAR(100)));

    SET @int += 1;

    The performant alternative:

    Create a Tally or Numbers Table


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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • offtop

    The performant alternative:

    Create a Tally or Numbers Table

    create table dbo.Tally(i int identity(1,1))


    insert into dbo.Tally DEFAULT VALUES

    go 1000000

    I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only

  • Loundy (2/17/2012)

    Hi All,

    Interesting question. I think i must be doing something wrong when testing this myself though.

    I've created the table and index like so:

    CREATE TABLE TestTable (ID INT, Col VARCHAR(100));


    CREATE INDEX IX_Col ON TestTable (Col);


    Then created the procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE Test_Procedure

    @Get NVARCHAR(20)


    SELECT ID, Col

    FROM TestTable

    WHERE Col = @Get;

    Then populated the table with some random data:

    DECLARE @int INT;

    SET @int = 1;

    WHILE @int <100


    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    VALUES (@int, 'name' + CAST(@int AS VARCHAR(100)));

    SET @int += 1;


    Now, this does result in a table scan with the CONVERT_IMPLICIT operator.

    If I then change the stored proc to use VARCHAR (or VARCHAR(100)) it still results in a table scan - however the CONVERT_IMPLICIT is gone.

    Is this the correct behaviour? or am I doing something silly....

    Cheers, 🙂

    Ok, it was because my table wasn't big enough 🙂 having 10000 rows in there demonstrated the behaviour correctly 🙂

    [font="Times New Roman"]There's no kill switch on awesome![/font]
  • handkot (2/17/2012)


    The performant alternative:

    Create a Tally or Numbers Table

    create table dbo.Tally(i int identity(1,1))


    insert into dbo.Tally DEFAULT VALUES

    go 1000000

    You're still performing a loop, aka RBAR (row by agonazing row).

    The Tally Table from Jeff executes in less than a second, while this little loop executes for over 1 minute on my machine (see attachment). And I changed the code to 11000, I wouldn't like to know what happened if I kept 1000000.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Got it right, but I think the answer should be "it depends". On what? The selectivity of the data in Col. You get a seek if you populate your table thus:

    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    SELECT TOP 1000000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.name),

    'name' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.name) AS varchar(7))

    FROM master.sys.columns a

    CROSS JOIN master.sys.columns b

    CROSS JOIN master.sys.columns c

    ... but a scan if you have the following data in the table:

    INSERT INTO TestTable (id, col)

    SELECT TOP 1000000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.name),

    'name' + CAST((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.name))/500000 AS char(5))

    FROM master.sys.columns a

    CROSS JOIN master.sys.columns b

    CROSS JOIN master.sys.columns c

    Therefore, in the second case, there'd be no way of optimising the stored procedure.


  • You might also have to remove the ID column to get a seek, depending how selective that column is.

    Gail Shaw
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  • I immediately thought of using a hint to force the use of the index. Is that wrong somehow?


    FROM FirstTable WITH INDEX(IX_Col)

    WHERE Col = @Get;

  • cengland0 (2/17/2012)

    I immediately thought of using a hint to force the use of the index. Is that wrong somehow?


    FROM FirstTable WITH INDEX(IX_Col)

    WHERE Col = @Get;

    Not wrong, just less good. With this hint, I expect you to get an index scan, which could be a bit better than a scan of the clustered index, but still far worse than an index seek.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference: https://sqlserverfast.com/epr/

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