T-SQL Help Needed - Login

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to work out the best way of doing this. I basically have a login table with the following fields:

    - user_id

    - user_type

    - user_active

    - user_loginattempts

    - user_username

    - user_password

    I would like a T-SQL script to return 6 columns.

    - user_exists

    - login_attempts

    - login_valid

    - user_id

    - login_active

    - user_type

    The "user_exists" column will say whether there is a matching username in the table. If this is the case then the "login_attempts" column should be returned. If the username and password is matched in the table then the "login_valid" should be true and the last three columns retrieved. If the username and password is not matched then "login_valid" should be false and the other fields "NULL"

    This is what I have so far:

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_check_login

    @username varchar(20),
    @password varchar(20)


    DECLARE @user_exists int
    DECLARE @login_valid int
    DECLARE @user_id int
    DECLARE @login_active int
    DECLARE @login_attempts int
    DECLARE @user_type int


    SELECT @user_exists = COUNT(*), @login_attempts = user_loginattempts
    FROM tbl_user
    WHERE user_username = @username

    SELECT @login_valid = COUNT(*)
    FROM tbl_user
    WHERE user_username = @username
    AND user_password = @password

    SELECT @user_id = user_id, @login_active = user_active, @user_type = user_type
    FROM tbl_user
    WHERE user_username = @username
    AND user_password = @password

    SELECT @user_exists AS 'user_exists',
    @login_valid AS 'login_valid',
    @user_id AS 'user_id',
    @login_active AS 'login_active',
    @login_attempts AS 'login_attempts',
    @user_type AS 'user_type'



    If anyone can help me out or point me in the direction of some tutorials that cover this, that would be great.


    Edited by - jkeepi on 12/22/2003 10:30:43 AM

  • I am using an empty resultset if user does not exist instead of returning a 0 in user_exists.

    SELECT 1 AS t1.user_exists
    , t1.user_loginattempts AS login_attempts
    , CASE t2.user_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS login_valid
    , t2.user_id
    , t2.user_active AS login_active
    , t2.user_type
    FROM tbl_user t1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_user t2
    ON t1.user_id = t2.user_id
    AND t2.user_username = @username
    AND t2.user_password = @password
    WHERE t1.user_username = @username


    Chris Hedgate @ Extralives (http://www.extralives.com/)

    Contributor to Best of SQL Server Central 2002 (http://www.sqlservercentral.com/bestof/)

    Articles: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/chedgate/

  • jkeepi,


    without knowing how you are storing the data it is a little hard to answer this correctly. However it looks like you may be adding records to the tbl_user table everytime someone logs in and that you don't have a table dedicated to just users. I would normalize this and do something along the lines of the following.


    CREATE TABLE tbl_user    
    (    userid int    
    , username varchar(20) CONSTRAINT PK_tbl_user PRIMARY KEY    
    , userpwd varchar(20)    
    , user_active bit    
    , user_type int    
    )-- create alternate key on userid
    CREATE unique INDEX AK_tbl_user ON tbl_user(userid)
    CREATE TABLE tbl_userlogins    
    (    loginid int IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT PK_tbl_userlogins PRIMARY KEY
        , userid int CONSTRAINT FK_tbl_user_tbl_userlogin FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES tbl_user(userid)
        , logindate datetime
    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_check_login
        ( @username varchar(20)
        , @password varchar(20)
        , @user_exists bit = NULL OUTPUT
        -- Check to see if the user exists
     IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tbl_user WHERE user_username = @username)
                SET @user_exists = 1
                SET @user_exists = 0
            END    -- Return the user info
     SELECT login_valid = COUNT(loginid)
            , u.user_active
            , u.user_type
     FROM tbl_user u
            JOIN tbl_userlogin l ON u.userid = l.userid
     WHERE user_username = @username
         AND user_password = @password
     GROUP BY u.user_active, u.user_type 

    With this you would then be able to check the output variable to see if the user exists and if so then you could check the resultset to see if the login is valid (You won't have a record if it's not) and get the rest of the information.


    Please note that I don't show how any of these tables are updated as I assume that is taken care of in another SP or two.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Thanks for your insight gljjr.

    I could use an output parameter but I am converting the output through a recordset an into XML. I therefore need all the info in the recordset. I've changed the SP and seems to be working nicely now:


    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_CheckLogin

     @username varchar(20),

     @password varchar(20)



     DECLARE @user_exists bit

     DECLARE @login_valid bit

     DECLARE @login_active bit

     DECLARE @login_attempts int

     DECLARE @user_id int

     DECLARE @user_type int

     SET @user_exists = 0

     SET @login_valid = 0

     SET @login_active = 0




     -- Check if username exists

     IF EXISTS (SELECT user_id

       FROM tbl_user

       WHERE user_username = @username



       SET @user_exists = 1  

       -- If username exists, get login attempts

       SELECT @login_attempts = user_loginattempts

       FROM tbl_user

       WHERE user_username = @username


     -- Check if login is valid

     IF EXISTS (SELECT user_id

       FROM tbl_user

       WHERE user_username = @username

       AND user_password = @password



      SET @login_valid = 1

      -- If login is valid get user details

      SELECT @user_id = user_id, @login_active = user_active, @user_type = user_type

      FROM tbl_user

      WHERE user_username = @username

      AND user_password = @password


     -- Return fields

     SELECT @user_exists AS 'user_exists',

      @login_attempts AS 'login_attempts',

      @login_valid AS 'login_valid',

      @user_id AS 'user_id',

      @login_active AS 'login_active',

      @user_type AS 'user_type'





    My table schema is:


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_user] (

     [user_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [user_type] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

     [user_active] [bit] NOT NULL ,

     [user_loginattempts] [smallint] NULL ,

     [user_username] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [user_password] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [user_namefirst] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [user_namelast] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [user_email] [nvarchar] (75) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


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