t-sql help!

  • I want to convert the following time values into HH:MIAM or HH:MIPM,

    I have the following data in my table:

    Create table #temp

    (time char(4))

    Insert into #temp

    select '0900'


    select '0915'


    select '0930'


    select '1200'


    select '1300'


    select '1515'


    select '1530'


    select '1545'


    select '1600'

    select * from #temp

    I want for example the following output:

    9AM for '0900'

    3:45PM for '1545'


  • Try the attached code. Once again, I can't seem to post the code directly in this thread.

  • Here is a different method (thanks Lynn for the setup):

    If object_id('tempdb..#temp', 'U') Is Not Null

    Drop Table #temp;

    Create Table #temp (time char(4));

    Insert Into #temp

    Select '0900'

    Union Select '0915'

    Union Select '0930'

    Union Select '1200'

    Union Select '1300'

    Union Select '1515'

    Union Select '1530'

    Union Select '1545'

    Union Select '1600'

    Select convert(char(7), right(dateadd(day, 0, stuff([time], 3, 0, ':')), 7), 131)

    From #temp

    Edit: sorry, posted the wrong version.

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