T-SQL | Group Invoices with concern dates that overide the issue date

  • I have a table with Invoice Documents per Project, in which i need to get statistics per project , year , month with sql. The difficulty is that for some of the invoices the user will have entered concerned dates that must be override the issued month of the Invoice Document and must be splitted proportionally by month according to the days per month concerned.

    Consumer data is provided



    CREATE TABLE #Invoices


    Project Varchar(10) NOT NULL

    ,DocumentCode Varchar(15) NOT NULL

    ,IssueDate Date NOT NULL

    ,Cost Decimal NOT NULL

    ,ConcernFrom Date NULL

    ,ConcernTo Date NULL


    INSERT INTO #Invoices

    VALUES ('Prj-001', 'DOC-50001', '20230601', 500 , NULL , NULL),

    ('Prj-001', 'DOC-50002', '20230615', 1000 , '20230615' , '20230720'),

    ('Prj-001', 'DOC-50003', '20230625', 300 , NULL , NULL),

    ('Prj-002', 'DOC-50004', '20230710', 250 , NULL , NULL),

    ('Prj-002', 'DOC-50005', '20230731', 100 , NULL , NULL),

    ('Prj-002', 'DOC-50006', '20231015', 500 , '20231215' , '20240131')

    What i have Done so far

    select *,datediff(DAY,ConcernFrom,ConcernTo) as Days ,

    Year(ConcernFrom) as YearFrom,month(ConcernFrom) as MonthFrom, Year(ConcernTo) as YearTo, Month(ConcernTo) as MonthTo,

    DAY(EOMONTH(ConcernFrom)) - DATEDIFF(DAY, ConcernFrom,EOMONTH(ConcernFrom)) as RemDaysConcernFrom,

    DAY(EOMONTH(ConcernTo)) - DATEDIFF(DAY, ConcernTo,EOMONTH(ConcernTo)) as RemDaysConcernTo

    from Invoices

    Ι am really stuggling how this can be done. Do you think it is a must for this to use a Stored Procedure for the result .. Any help is welcome because i am really struggling to get the desired result 🙂


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  tkon1982.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  tkon1982.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  tkon1982.
  • I don't have time to answer right now, but would like to congratulate you on writing such a clear and detailed question, especially as you are new here … well done! I'm sure that someone will be along to help you.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • This took a while, but was fun! There are a couple of characters in this forum who like to come along and make my code run 17 times faster, with half the lines of code, so I'll await their input 🙂

    First of all, I don't agree with your example date calculations. Surely the period from date1 to date2 is inclusive of both dates? In your example, you have 15 June to 30 June as 15 days (wrong), but 1 July to 20 July as 20 days (right). My example is based on the inclusive method.

    Let me explain the code structure.

    • Create a temporary date table, containing one row per year/month over a large enough date range.
    • Create your sample table and data.
    • Use a CTE to calculate effective dates and days to be allocated (current month and in total). Join the CTE to the temporary date table to generate rows for those entries where ConcernTo is in a different month from IssueDate
    • Based on the various calculations in the CTE, calculate the proportion of Cost to be allocated to the current row
    • Select from the CTE to perform the required aggregation (note that I used YYYY-MM format here to easily make the results appear in the correct order)

    Note also that I use collapsible code regions, as provided by the SSMS Tools add-on. It means that the top part of my collapsed code looks like this, instead of what you will see in the Code window:


    Although not included in your sample data, this code also handles the case where ConcernTo is more than one month after ConcernFrom.

    --#region Create a table of month starts (thank you once again for the base code, Jeff Moden!)
    DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME --Inclusive
    ,@EndDate DATETIME --Exclusive
    ,@Months INT;

    SELECT @StartDate = '2020' --Inclusive
    ,@EndDate = '2030' --Exclusive
    ,@Months = DATEDIFF (mm, @StartDate, @EndDate);


    ,MonthEnd DATE NOT NULL

    INSERT #Mths
    SELECT TOP(@Months)
    MonthStart = DATEADD (mm, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY(SELECT NULL)) - 1, @StartDate)
    ,MonthEnd = EOMONTH (DATEADD (mm, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY(SELECT NULL)) - 1, @StartDate))
    FROM sys.all_columns ac1
    CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2;

    --#endregion Create a table of month starts (thank you once again for the base code, Jeff Moden!)
    --#region Create sample table and populate with test data


    CREATE TABLE #Invoices
    Project VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
    ,DocumentCode VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
    ,IssueDate DATE NOT NULL
    ,Cost DECIMAL(19, 6) NOT NULL
    ,ConcernFrom DATE NULL
    ,ConcernTo DATE NULL

    INSERT #Invoices
    ('Prj-001', 'DOC-50001', '20230601', 500, NULL, NULL)
    ,('Prj-001', 'DOC-50002', '20230615', 1000, '20230615', '20230720')
    ,('Prj-001', 'DOC-50003', '20230625', 300, NULL, NULL)
    ,('Prj-002', 'DOC-50004', '20230710', 250, NULL, NULL)
    ,('Prj-002', 'DOC-50005', '20230731', 100, NULL, NULL)
    ,('Prj-002', 'DOC-50006', '20231015', 500, '20231215', '20240131');
    --#endregion Create sample table and populate with test data

    WITH BaseData
    AS (SELECT i.Project
    ,YrMth = CONVERT (CHAR(7), m.MonthStart, 126)
    ,AllocatedCost = c3.DaysInAccountingMonth * i.Cost / c2.AllocationDays
    FROM #Invoices i
    SELECT EffectiveStartDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernFrom, i.IssueDate)
    ,EffectiveEndDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernTo, EOMONTH (i.IssueDate))
    ) c1
    SELECT EffectiveStartDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveStartDate), 0)
    ,EffectiveEndDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveEndDate), 0)
    ,AllocationDays = DATEDIFF (DAY, c1.EffectiveStartDate, c1.EffectiveEndDate) + 1
    ) c2
    JOIN #Mths m
    ON m.MonthStart
    BETWEEN c2.EffectiveStartDateSOM AND c2.EffectiveEndDateSOM
    SELECT DaysInAccountingMonth = DATEDIFF ( DAY
    WHEN c1.EffectiveStartDate > m.MonthStart THEN
    WHEN m.MonthEnd <= c1.EffectiveEndDate THEN
    ) + 1
    ) c3 )
    SELECT BaseData.Project
    ,Cost = CAST (SUM (BaseData.AllocatedCost) AS DECIMAL(19, 2))
    FROM BaseData
    GROUP BY BaseData.Project
    ORDER BY BaseData.Project


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Ohhh my GOD  @phil Parkin !

    I have no words to thank you for giving a so detailed  answer and such a worthy solution!!!

    You are absoluttely correct regarding the inclusive dates and my question..

    There is so much info here for someone to go to next level of t-sql

    From a first test it works like a charm

    I promise to you that your time will not be wasted for me just to give the solution

    but I will study this code as much as possible to be able to help others ..

    Spread the Word !


  • Phil Parkin wrote:

    This took a while, but was fun! There are a couple of characters in this forum who like to come along and make my code run 17 times faster, with half the lines of code, so I'll await their input 🙂

    Nicely done Phil.  It's a great solution and it more than meets the OP's requirements.  Why start from scratch when this great solution works?  So I shamelessly copy/pasted it into VS and re-jiggered some things.  There are 2 instances where your query has a CTE as the only table in its FROM clause.  However, there's nothing (afaik) which necessitates using a CTE in these cases.  Here I tried to factor out those SELECT's for which the only table in the FROM clause is a CTE and after initial copy/paste:

    SELECT i.*
    ,YrMth = CONVERT (CHAR(7), m.MonthStart, 126)
    --,Cost = CAST (SUM (c3.DaysInAccountingMonth * i.Cost / c2.AllocationDays) AS DECIMAL(19, 2)),
    DaysInAccountingMonth = DATEDIFF ( DAY
    WHEN c1.EffectiveStartDate > m.MonthStart THEN
    WHEN m.MonthEnd <= c1.EffectiveEndDate THEN
    ) + 1
    FROM #Invoices i
    SELECT EffectiveStartDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernFrom, i.IssueDate)
    ,EffectiveEndDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernTo, EOMONTH (i.IssueDate))
    ) c1
    SELECT EffectiveStartDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveStartDate), 0)
    ,EffectiveEndDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveEndDate), 0)
    ,AllocationDays = DATEDIFF (DAY, c1.EffectiveStartDate, c1.EffectiveEndDate) + 1
    ) c2
    JOIN #Mths m
    ON m.MonthStart
    BETWEEN c2.EffectiveStartDateSOM AND c2.EffectiveEndDateSOM
    ORDER BY i.Project
    ,CONVERT (CHAR(7), m.MonthStart, 126);


    The last 3 columns show the calculation matches the OP's/Phil's output without the CTE's 🙂  Afaik this query matches the final output

    SELECT i.Project
    ,Cost = CAST(SUM(cast(c3.DaysInAccountingMonth * i.Cost / c2.AllocationDays as money)) AS DECIMAL(19, 2))
    FROM #Invoices i
    (SELECT EffectiveStartDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernFrom, i.IssueDate)
    ,EffectiveEndDate = ISNULL (i.ConcernTo, EOMONTH (i.IssueDate))) c1
    (SELECT EffectiveStartDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveStartDate), 0)
    ,EffectiveEndDateSOM = DATEADD (mm, DATEDIFF (m, 0, c1.EffectiveEndDate), 0)
    ,AllocationDays = DATEDIFF (DAY, c1.EffectiveStartDate, c1.EffectiveEndDate) + 1) c2
    JOIN #Mths m ON m.MonthStart BETWEEN c2.EffectiveStartDateSOM AND c2.EffectiveEndDateSOM
    (SELECT DaysInAccountingMonth = DATEDIFF(DAY,
    CASE WHEN c1.EffectiveStartDate > m.MonthStart
    THEN c1.EffectiveStartDate
    ELSE m.MonthStart END,
    CASE WHEN m.MonthEnd <= c1.EffectiveEndDate
    THEN m.MonthEnd
    ELSE c1.EffectiveEndDate END)+1
    ,YrMth = CONVERT (CHAR(7), m.MonthStart, 126)) c3
    GROUP BY i.Project
    ORDER BY i.Project

    /* Phil's output
    Project YrMth Cost
    Prj-001 2023-06 1244.44
    Prj-001 2023-07 555.56
    Prj-002 2023-07 350.00
    Prj-002 2023-12 177.08
    Prj-002 2024-01 322.92

    /* Steve's output
    Project YrMth Cost
    Prj-001 2023-06 1244.44
    Prj-001 2023-07 555.56
    Prj-002 2023-07 350.00
    Prj-002 2023-12 177.08
    Prj-002 2024-01 322.92


    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Here is what I came up with.  If I had more time, I'd rewrite it to use closed-open intervals rather than open-closed intervals.  (That is, I'd include the start date, but not the end date in the range, rather than the other way around.)

    I used what I call a mini-tally (only four rows) to create the end-of-month dates.  This has the advantage, that there are NO READS for the tally table.  This can be expanded by adding more values and/or cross joining to itself as many times as necessary.  (Phil, you should update your process to use a similar approach instead of reading the sys.all_columns view.)

    I also simplified some of the calculations by converting all intervals to open-closed by subtracting 1 from the start date of the intervals.

    WITH miniTally AS
    SELECT t.n
    FROM (VALUES(0), (1), (2), (3)) t(n)
    , BaseData AS
    SELECT i.Project
    , i.DocumentCode
    , i.IssueDate
    , i.Cost
    , c.ConcernFrom
    , c.ConcernTo
    , LAG(eor.AccountingTo, 1, c.ConcernFrom) OVER(PARTITION BY i.Project, i.DocumentCode ORDER BY eor.AccountingTo) AS AccountingFrom
    , eor.AccountingTo
    FROM #Invoices AS i
    CROSS APPLY(VALUES(DATEADD(DAY, -1, COALESCE(i.ConcernFrom, i.IssueDate)), COALESCE(i.ConcernTo, i.IssueDate))) c(ConcernFrom,ConcernTo)
    SELECT EOMONTH(DATEADD(MONTH, mt.n, c.ConcernFrom)) AS AccountingTo
    FROM miniTally AS mt
    SELECT c.ConcernTo
    ) eor

    WHERE eor.AccountingTo > c.ConcernFrom
    AND eor.AccountingTo <= c.ConcernTo
    SELECT b.Project
    , CONVERT(CHAR(7), EOMONTH(b.AccountingTo), 126) AS YrMth
    , SUM(CAST(DATEDIFF(DAY, b.AccountingFrom, b.AccountingTo) * b.Cost/DATEDIFF(DAY, b.ConcernFrom, b.ConcernTo) AS DECIMAL(19,2))) AS Cost
    FROM BaseData AS b
    GROUP BY b.Project, EOMONTH(b.AccountingTo)


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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