
  • hi,

    how to use "apostrophe" in procedures

    I have created below procedure

    create procedure pro_name(@name varchar(50))


    Select * from emp where empname=@name my procedure like..

    execute pro_name ' giri's '

    It shows error ...how can i access the my data from data table


  • Double up the apostrophes (character stuffing)

    execute pro_name ' giri''s '

  • For easier maintenance & management, we replace ' with ´ when we store names in the DB.


    DECLARE @name varchar(100)

    SET @name='GIRI''S'

    SELECT @name,replace(@name,'''','´')

    Therefore, we don't need to encode them when we fetch them to be displayed in a winform, webpage, javascript alert,...

  • There are some more special characters you need to double up when using them in T-sql or in a dynamic sql string.

    If you use variables from you calling application (vb.net,..) there should be no problem at all.


    Dim objCon As ADODB.Connection

    Dim objCom As ADODB.Command

    Dim objParam As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim objRS As ADODB.Recordset

    Set objCon = New ADODB.Connection

    Set objCom = New ADODB.Command

    objCon.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;...."

    'Opening the connection

    objCon.Open objCon.ConnectionString

    'assigning the command object parameters

    With objCom

    .CommandText = "dbo.pro_name" 'Name of the stored procedure

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 'Type : stored procedure

    .ActiveConnection = objCon.ConnectionString

    End With

    'Create parameters

    Set objParam = objCom.CreateParameter("@name", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50,"jones")

    'Append the output parameters to command object

    objCom.Parameters.Append objParam

    'Store the result in a recordset

    Set objRS = objCom.Execute

    'Open the recordset

    Do While Not objRS.EOF

    For k = 0 To objRS.Fields.Count - 1

    Debug.Print objRS(k).Name & ": " & objRS(k).Value


    Debug.Print "_____"



    'Close the recordset


    'close connection


    'cleaning up

    Set objCom = Nothing

    Set objCon = Nothing

    Set objParam = Nothing

    Set objRS = Nothing


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  • jmguazzo (1/11/2009)

    For easier maintenance & management, we replace ' with ´ when we store names in the DB.

    FYI, this is really NOT recommended for literals in the procs and triggers themselves. The closure distinct single quote, along with several other "alternate" quoting characters can throw the Scripter and SSMS query windows for a tailspin in certain situations. In fact, I have a customer that has about 20,000 lines of application vendor supplied SQL procs and triggers that cannot be automatically scripted because of this (requires manual intervention to fix every time).

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I didn't mean that.

    When we store the data in the DB, we convert ' to ´ in the C# code.

    We almost never store any litteral in SP, Triggers,...

    So when the value is transferred in triggers or else, the ´ is considered a character like any other.

    We only work with Nvarchar because we must handle other than ascii and it has never been a problem for several years now.


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