

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Rahul:-P[/font]

  • The only reason I got this right is that there was a QoD some weeks back that had a default data length as part of the question. I got that one wrong.

    I was taught to never rely on defaults for things like declaring variables, so out-of-sight, out-of-mind. I'd quite forgotten they existed.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me know I learned something from that earlier QoD!


  • Thanks for the question!

    I'm still surprised by 9% of the people getting it wrong, so I guess it doesn't hurt to go over the same thing multiple times.

  • Simple one. 15% wrong answers are there b'cos few of them just select what ever they want to without even looking at question

  • I like the question, mostly because it focuses on one aspect only - the default size.

    Too many times there are complicated questions which mix the question itself with ostacles and obfuscations. I then prefer repeated questions over complicated questions.


    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

  • Always specify the size. Always.

  • Just working my way through old questions for some training.

    As I am relatively new to SQL this was a good test for me. I got the answer right, however the comments posted here made me think so I played with the query to test lengths, etc. Might be easy to old hands but we all need to start somewhere...

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