t-sql 2012 pick most current record

  • In a sql server 2012 database, I have the following 2 tables:


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders](


    [CustID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [comments] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [PrintedDate] [datetime] NULL



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer](


    [laddress] [varchar](200) NULL,

    [modifiedByID] [int] NOT NULL


    I want to join the customer table to the orders table and select the most current printdate for a customer

    from the orders table using a where clause potentially and not using the max(PrintedDate) on a select statement.

    There should only be 1 record from the orders table selected.

    I would like to accomplish this goal due to addtional tables that I will need to add to the l sql

    that I listed here.

    Thus the start of the sql would be:

    select Customer.CustID,Orders.CustID,Orders.PrintedDate

    from Customer as Customer

    join Orders as Orders

    on Orders.CustID = Customer.CustID

    where Orders.PrintedDate is the most current date?

    Thus would you should be how to have only the record from the orders table with the most

    current print date using potential:

    a. where clause,

    b. having clause,

    c. cte,

    d. temp table,

    and/or any other option you think would work and not using the max(PrintedDate) on a select statement?

  • Does this do it for you? You don't have to join with Customer table unless you are missing a FK, which is not a good practice anyway.

    ;WITH cte AS


    select c.CustID, o.PrintedDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.CustID ORDER BY o.PrintedDate DESC) [rn]

    from Customer c

    join Orders o

    on o.CustID = c.CustID


    SELECT cte.CustID, cte.PrintedDate

    FROM cte

    WHERE rn = 1


  • Here are 3 different approaches that will acheive the same results

    -- Using cte with ROW_NUMBER

    WITH cte AS (

    SELECT CustID, PrintedDate, rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustID ORDER BY PrintedDate DESC)

    FROM Orders


    SELECT Customer.CustID, Orders.CustID, cte.PrintedDate

    FROM Customer as Customer

    INNER JOIN Orders as Orders

    ON Orders.CustID = Customer.CustID

    INNER JOIN cte

    ON cte.CustID = Orders.CustID

    AND cte.PrintedDate = Orders.PrintedDate

    WHERE cte.rn = 1;

    -- Using cte with GROUP BY

    WITH cte AS (

    SELECT CustID, PrintedDate = MAX(PrintedDate)

    FROM Orders



    SELECT Customer.CustID, Orders.CustID, cte.PrintedDate

    FROM Customer as Customer

    INNER JOIN Orders as Orders

    ON Orders.CustID = Customer.CustID

    INNER JOIN cte

    ON cte.CustID = Orders.CustID

    AND cte.PrintedDate = Orders.PrintedDate;

    -- Using subquery with GROUP BY

    SELECT Customer.CustID, Orders.CustID, cte.PrintedDate

    FROM Customer as Customer

    INNER JOIN Orders as Orders

    ON Orders.CustID = Customer.CustID

    INNER JOIN (SELECT CustID, PrintedDate = MAX(PrintedDate)

    FROM Orders


    ) AS cte

    ON cte.CustID = Orders.CustID

    AND cte.PrintedDate = Orders.PrintedDate;

  • I've worked with this pattern many times over the years. I think these options will tend to evaluate ALL orders in the system, since the ROW_NUMBER calculations need to figure out which are most recent per customer. If each customer can have many orders it might make more sense to take the following approach:

    Have a supporting index on the Orders table

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Orders_CustID_PrintedDate ON dbo.Orders (CustID, PrintedDate DESC) INCLUDE (OrderID);

    then use a CROSS APPLY (or OUTER APPLY if you want to include the case where a customer may not have an order yet)

    SELECT C.CustID, cte.OrderID, cte.PrintedDate

    FROM Customer AS C


    (SELECT TOP 1 O.OrderID, O.PrintedDate

    FROM Orders O

    WHERE O.CustID = C.CustID

    ORDER BY O.PrintedDate DESC) cte;

    This turns the join and sort on the Orders table into a very quick SEEK operation.

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