t-sql 2008 get most current record

  • I am basically planning to use the following t-sql 2008 for schoolYear for 2017 using parameter called @endYear. I basically want to select schoolYear 2017 records for the most current record that year where endstatus code =101 or 105.

    However I do not want to select that school year 2017 record if there is also a record for school year 2018 where  the most current record has an endStatus code of anything not equal 101 or 105. In other words I only want to select the most current record for school year 2018 if end the endstatus code =101 or 105.

    The following is the sql I have setup so far. 

    DECLARE @currentYear int = (select endYear from schoolYear where active = 1)
    DECLARE @endYear SMALLINT = 2017


    SELECT *
    FROM (TEST.dbo.Enroll AS Enroll WITH (NOLOCK)
    JOIN TEST.dbo.Calendar AS Calendar WITH (NOLOCK)
        On Calendar.CalendarID=Enroll.CalendarID
       (SELECT Enroll.personID,Enroll.endDate, Enroll.endYear, Enrollmen
           ,row_number()over  (partition BY Enroll.personID
      ORDER BY (Enroll.endDate)Desc) as RowNum
          FROM dbo.Enroll AS Enroll WITH (NOLOCK)
          JOIN dbo.Calendar AS CalendarMax WITH (NOLOCK)
               ON CalendarMax.calendarID = Enroll.calendarID
         WHERE @endYear = @currentYear - 1 and Enroll.endYear=@endYear
                  Enroll.endStatus IN  (101, 105)      
            AND Enroll.stateExclude = 0
            AND Enroll.ServiceType='P'
            AND Enroll.active=1
         AND Enroll.endDate between CalendarMax.startDate and
                GROUP BY Enroll.personID,Enroll.endDate,
    Enroll.serviceType, Enroll.endYear,Enroll.grade
    as MaxEnroll
      ON Enroll.personID = MaxEnroll.personID
            AND Enroll.endDate = MaxEnroll.endDate 
            AND Enroll.endYear = MaxEnroll.endYear
      AND Enroll.ServiceType= MaxEnroll.ServiceType
      AND Enroll.stateExclude= MaxEnroll.stateExclude  
            AND MaxEnroll.RowNum = 1
    Thus can you show much to accomplish my goal in t-sql? If not can you show me how to get the most current record for school year 2018 and join it to the sql that I have just listed?
  • If there is a value for 2018 in the table, what are you expecting to return; the 2018 year? If you are always going to be returning the most recent year, why have your @EndYear variable as a static value, and instead derive it from your data? I would have a punt at this, but I would be guessing; as I can't accessing your data.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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