T-Log growth

  • T-log grows to 20GB everytime I rebuild all indexes on DB even though I'm backing up the log file every 15 mins. DB size is 50 GB with 30GB of data on it.  Do you think there's a very big table that is around 20GB that's why everytime I rebuild all indexes it grows to 20GB also?

  • What is the size after you back it up?

  • it's 30GB.

  • Does it shrink down eventually?

  • The used space on the log file do shrink but the file doesn't.  Log file doesn't shrink once it's been increase. any more thoughts?

  • H!!,

    I feel you are having an ERP system in the front end with more number of users..if you are very pirticular about decreasing the size of log file then you can change the recovery model to simple..but yu won't be able to restore the T-log in case of any disaster...

    Vinod (DBA)

    HTC Global Services..



  • We have a procedure in place before reindexing (during maint window), which kicks out all users and put db in a simple mode...

    ...and subquently, after it finishes the process. remember to put it back to the full recovery mode.

    my 2cents

  • We have a large ERP system of 0,5+TB

    When we are reindexing we are making a full backup then we swith to bulk logged, reindex, switch back to full recovery and do an another backup.


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