system stored procedure deletion

  • Hi,

    We have an audit report which says one of our dba deleted all system procedures in one of user database (sql 2000) and then re-created it. I see type for each of these proc is SYSTEM insted of USER. I also see that creation time of these procs is same as what is mentioned in the report however the dba is denying it.

    I created a test database in 2005 and tried to delete system SP but it did not allow me even though i have sysadmin privilage. Can't test it out on 2000 as i do not have a 2000 test server.

    Can we drop system SPs in 2000 and create them as system SPs?

    Pradeep Singh

  • Yes. You can do it in SQL Server 2000. 'allow updates' should be 1 in sp_configure and after creating the stored procedure all you have to do is modify the status column in sysobjects to "-1610612735" to make the SP as system.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • ps. (8/30/2010)



    I created a test database in 2005 and tried to delete system SP but it did not allow me even though i have sysadmin privilage. Can't test it out on 2000 as i do not have a 2000 test server.


    As you've experienced, SQL2005 doesn't let you mess with the systems stuff.

    And that 's a good thing :w00t:

    With sql2000 you could mess with all that, but sooner or later, you would run into troubles.

    "Don't do it !" is the only advise.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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