sysperfinfo is empty

  • We have 4 SQL 2K instances in a server. One of the new instances doesn't show anything in sysperfinfo.

    Also we have noticed an error in error log, Performance monitor shared memory setup failed: -1.

    I did research and we have SQL 2K SP4 not SP3. So, this problem should have got fixed.

    Interestingly, other instances have proper info in sysperinfo.

    It's 64 bit Win 2003 and 32bit SQL 2000 environment.


    Thanks in advance.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • 1. Under the register key:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER$INSTANCE\] if you see [Performance] folder delete that folder. Most probably you won't see that folder.

    2. Create a new key by name [Performance]

    3. Copy the two files "sqlctr.ini" and "sqlctr.h" from the path of server where Performance counters are working fine and paste it under the folder of instance where you are not seeing the performance counters. Folder path in general should be "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$Instance\Binn"

    4. Edit the file "sqlctr.ini" and replace the SQL server Instance name correctly.

    5. From command line, locate the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$Instance2\Binn and Execute " lodctr sqlctr.ini "

    6. Recycle the SQL Server Instance.

    Now you should see the performance counters in sysperfinfo table.

    Hope this Helps!




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