sysperfinfo blues...

  • So here I am dabbling with performance issues and monitoring options. Prifiler, performancemonitor, used them and such. Then my attention is drawn to the sysperfinfotable: sqlcounters to be used in t-sql statements. Number of records: 0.

    So I google the internet and find a wealth on info on sysperfinfo. I'm especially curious about how to fill this table. I understand it should not be empty. It IS empty on all our SQL Servers, which are all SQL2K with sp3(a) running on W2K with latest patches.  I have used the lodctr command and the diskperf command.

    All references to knowledgebase articles were wasted efforts: situations described there do not apply here. I have never closed a SQL Server or rebooted a server with perfmon open. I can open perfmon with noproblem, I am able to choose SQL counters there. Servers are all stand alone Standard Editions, licensed & payed for.

    I have not yet installed a patch dealing with sysperfinfo issues, which do not resemble my situation here. I will, but I'm afraid this will not solve anything.

    Is there somebody out there who can tell me, if zero records in sysperfinfo is perfectly normal? If not, how come all, ALL, our servers have zeror records? How do I solve this issue?

    Any advice is really apreciated.

    Hans Brouwer

  • I found an interresting article on this table saying that it's a pseudo table which SQL Server constructs on the fly only when you access it :

    Both my 2 SQL SERVER returns hundreds of values, but I can't figure why your's doesn't...

  • Did you either of these?

    select count(*) from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    select * from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    Do they both return 0 rows? I'd guess that there is something wrong with the SQL installation in getting counters. Are there any errors in the error log on startup?

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