sysdatabases vs sys.databases

  • Currently we have a query that re-indexes all databases but fails when it gets to a "read-only" database since it can't "update" those indexes.  We would like to exclude those databases that are "read-only".  We also need to exclude those databases that are "loading" and are "offline".  So my question is, why can't I find the same values in sys.databases that I can find in sysdatabases?

    Below is the code we have, how can I add in "exclude those that are read only" in the code as well?  One thing.  I do see a "1024" for the status of "read only" in lots of threads about this.  But the status we are seeing in the master..sysdatabases = 1073808384.  

    Below is the code we have?  Can the "Loading" and "OffLine" be written using sys.databases?

    SELECT A.Name, status
    FROM master..sysdatabases A with(nolock)
    WHERE not in ('tempdb', 'master', 'msdb', 'pubs', 'model')
    and A.status & 32 = 0
    and A.status & 512 = 0

    Thank you gurus!!!

  • There is actually more information in sys.databases than there is/was in sysdatabases and it's a bit more straightforward - no status bits to deal with. You are looking for the column named state. Restoring and Offline are values for state in that view. And there is another column called is_read_only. 
    You can find the documentation here:


  • Edward Shaw - Monday, April 24, 2017 5:34 PM

    Currently we have a query that re-indexes all databases but fails when it gets to a "read-only" database since it can't "update" those indexes.  We would like to exclude those databases that are "read-only".  We also need to exclude those databases that are "loading" and are "offline".  So my question is, why can't I find the same values in sys.databases that I can find in sysdatabases?

    Below is the code we have, how can I add in "exclude those that are read only" in the code as well?  One thing.  I do see a "1024" for the status of "read only" in lots of threads about this.  But the status we are seeing in the master..sysdatabases = 1073808384.  

    Below is the code we have?  Can the "Loading" and "OffLine" be written using sys.databases?

    SELECT A.Name, status
    FROM master..sysdatabases A with(nolock)
    WHERE not in ('tempdb', 'master', 'msdb', 'pubs', 'model')
    and A.status & 32 = 0
    and A.status & 512 = 0

    Thank you gurus!!!

    Don't use sys.sysdatabases, it is there for backward compatibility to SQL 2000.

    This should work for you:
    FROM sys.databases SDB
    WHERE SDB.state = 0;

  • Thank you.  That worked.

  • As already answered, sysdatabases are for backward compatibility, but instead of creating your own script for re-indexing, you should consider using the Ola Hallengren maintenance solution. Read more at
    It's used world wide by many companies and handles all editions of SQL server, even with AlwaysOn availability activated for databases.

    /Håkan Winther
    MCITP:Database Developer 2008
    MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
    MCSE: Data Platform

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