August Savi
SSC Veteran
Points: 254
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May 8, 2005 at 3:22 pm
What is solution when SysAdmin account was accidentally deleted from AD and SQL2k dont allow nothing to do with other accounts?
Recreating account in AD with same name probably will not help because new account will have different SID.
Any suggestions?
August S
One Orange Chip
Points: 29389
May 8, 2005 at 9:46 pm
Do you know the sa password ?
By default, members of the local administrators group on the server where SQL is installed are sql sysadmins. You could try connecting to SQL using a windows account in this group.
Vidas Zabinskas
Hall of Fame
Points: 3258
May 8, 2005 at 11:26 pm
Try to use one of the fixed server role sysadmin or securityadmin(in order only to create a new login) account.
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