February 3, 2012 at 8:22 am
Any idea why physical_name entries would be listed as "E:\\SQL_Data\\db_file.mdf"
rather than "E:\SQL_Data\db_file.mdf"?
I have three DB's out of 32 on my acceptance server with this oddity. All the files (mdf, ndf and ldf) show up this way for these three.
This does not appear to be impacting functionality at all.
February 3, 2012 at 8:44 am
Pam Brisjar (2/3/2012)
Any idea why physical_name entries would be listed as "E:\\SQL_Data\\db_file.mdf"rather than "E:\SQL_Data\db_file.mdf"?
I have three DB's out of 32 on my acceptance server with this oddity. All the files (mdf, ndf and ldf) show up this way for these three.
This does not appear to be impacting functionality at all.
When the database was created, may be the DBA provided the file path in that way. That's why they are recorded like that in system. However, this will not put any impact on functionality.
You can try to do it on some test server.
BACKUP DATABASE YourDatabaseName TO DISK = 'E:\\BackupFolderName\\YourDatabaseName.BAK'
It will work just fine. Similarly, when you will fetch the backup history data from BackupMediaFamily you will see the physical_device_name stored in the same way that you had provided in the backup code above.
February 3, 2012 at 8:45 am
Duplicated the above post.
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