June 6, 2003 at 8:43 am
Does anyone have an example of using the sp ms_foreachdb? I know what it does, I just can't remember the syntax.
June 6, 2003 at 9:13 am
sp_msforeachdb 'use ?;insert into server.db.dbo.database_files_FOR_BKUP exec sp_helpfile'
June 6, 2003 at 9:25 am
FOR SQL Server version 6.5
You will need to create a TEMP table as follows and execute sp_MSDBUserProfile proc.
Create Table #SQLOLEDbUserProfile (dbid int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
profilebits int NOT NULL)
Exec Master..sp_MSDBUserProfile 'init'
Exec sp_msforeachdb 'Use ? Select db_id(), ''?'' '
For vesrsions 7.0 and greater you can simply exec. the proc as follows
Exec sp_msforeachdb 'Use ? Select db_id(), ''?'' ' OR
Exec sp_msforeachdb 'Use ? Select * From Authors Where au_id is not null'
June 6, 2003 at 10:29 am
Thanks to all who responded.
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