Syntax error with BEGIN

  • Hello,

    I am in the process of building a query that will contain a couple of BEGIN/END blocks seperated by ELSE, and I am having trouble with the first BEGIN/END block.

    The following is the first block of code:



    (SELECT SystemUserName FROM Teacher_Data_Main

    WHERE (SystemUserName = SYSTEM_USER)

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\pGist'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\jGolden'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\tPeepgrass'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\lGallo'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cBerry'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\aGuild'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rGlenn'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\mSarkissian'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cJenkins'

    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rKepler')


    SELECT * FROM tblTests



    I am getting a syntax error at 'BEGIN'. I've tried to follow this per the examples in BOL. What do I need to correct?



  • The syntax problem is that your subselect, ie:

    (SELECT SystemUserName ....
    .... <> 'valverde\rKepler')

    is expected to return a single value, which then must be compared with something.

    So, prior to the BEGIN you need a comparison operator and value. Eg.

    (SELECT SystemUserName FROM Teacher_Data_Main
    WHERE (SystemUserName = SYSTEM_USER)
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\pGist'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\jGolden'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\tPeepgrass'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\lGallo'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cBerry'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\aGuild'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rGlenn'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\mSarkissian'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cJenkins'
    or SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rKepler')
    = 'somevalue'


    SELECT * FROM tblTests

    However, looking at the code, I fear there's other logic problems to be overcome.

    OR's don't go well with "NOT Equal" operators.

    Also, your subquery will have to be tighted to ensure it returns a maximum of 1 row.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Looking at your code, it looks like you DON'T want any SYSUSERNAME from this list:











    Is that correct, that you don't want ANY of those names?

    If so, you need to change the ORs to ANDs.


  • I want the application to work so that when a user logs on with their domain account ('valverde\(user name)'), the application will look for a match of the SYSTEM_USER value and the value in the 'SystemUserName' field from a table called Teacher_Data_Main. If there is a match between the logged on SYSTEM_USER, or the SystemUserName is NOT one of the names in the list, then BEGIN a certain query, ELSE if the SystemUserName = one of the names in the list, BEGIN a certain other query.

    If I used AND instead of OR, wouldn't I be asking the WHERE condition to evalueate a single record for each domain login in the list?

    What would be another way to approach this?

    Thanks for your help!


  • quote:

    If I used AND instead of OR, wouldn't I be asking the WHERE condition to evalueate a single record for each domain login in the list?

    Okay, I got the following SELECT query to return the results that I wanted:


    SELECT SystemUserName From Teacher_Data_Main


    SystemUserName = SYSTEM_USER or

    (SystemUserName <> 'valverde\pGist'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\jGolden'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\tPeepgrass'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\lGallo'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cBerry'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\aGuild'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rGlenn'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\mSarkissian'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cJenkins'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rKepler')


    How might I apply this logic to an IF;BEGIN;END;ELSE situation?

    Thanks again!


  • I've applied the following to the SELECT list and it looks like I've got something to work with now:



    (SELECT COUNT( SystemUserName)AS ACount FROM Teacher_Data_Main


    SystemUserName = SYSTEM_USER or

    (SystemUserName <> 'valverde\pGist'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\jGolden'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\tPeepgrass'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\lGallo'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cBerry'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\aGuild'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rGlenn'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\mSarkissian'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\cJenkins'

    and SystemUserName <> 'valverde\rKepler')

    and SystemUserName IS NOT NULL)


    (SELECT COUNT(SystemUserName)AS BCount FROM Teacher_Data_Main

    WHERE SystemUserName IS NOT NULL)


    PRINT 'The condition is true'



    PRINT 'The condition is not true'


    I'll see how far I can get with this idea. Thanks!


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