Syntax error or access violation

  • Hello everyone.  I hope some of you Replication Gurus can help me.  I have about 25 tables setup for Transactional Replication.  Well, I went to add another yesterday into production and I successfully added it.  Unfortunately, about 20 minutes later replication failed...the Distribution Agent to be more exact.  The error and Last Action error reads "Syntax error or access violation".  So, I removed the last Pull Subscription that I set up and attempted to restart the Distribution Agent with no luck.  The only way I was able to get the Distribution Agent going again was to start deleting subscriptions.  I deleted about 6 and attempted to restart the Distrib Agent again successfully. 

    Next I coped this same table to a test environment and setup replication again to get the same results.  I appreciate any thoughts.

  • Hello everyone.  I was able to figure out the problem, but since I was not really able to find any good information about it online I will post what I found.  The reason that replication was bombing with this particular error message was because the table that I was attempting to replicate had a space in it.  SQL Server Replication does not like tables with spaces in the name.  So, I just replaced Transactional Replication with Snapshot Replication.  Crisis averted.

  • Thats a might ig step going from Transactionl replication to Snapshot replication.

    I take it your subscribers don't send data back to the publisher.

    From a different perspective, table names with spaces is not good design practice. Unfortunately you leave yourself open to bumping into issues that you would never get if you took a more cautious approach to naming conventions.



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  • I agree it's a big step, but the table is not very large.  I also agree that its not good design practice to create a table with a space in the name.  Unfortunately, I am inheriting this system from years of bad decisions.  Additionally, this table name is embedded into much code and if I decided to change the table name everything would come crumbling down.  Literally!!

    This is just a reporting server that we have the suscriber does not send any data back to the publisher. 

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