Syntax error converting the varchar value...

  • I am trying to pass a long text string in ado to a text parameter in a usp.

    When executing the command object, regardless of what ado data type I use, I get the same error 'Syntax error converting the varchar value' followed by all characters in the string - over the 8000th 'to a data type of int'.

    The use of 'varchar' in the error message suggests that, no matter what ado data type and size is used, the string is being treated as a varchar - hence the 8000 limit?

    A solution would be great, but an explanation (if there is no solution) would be almost as good!

  • Might I suggest looking at Books On Line (BOL) subject:

    ADO and SQL Server

    Managing Long Data Types.

    Rather a good discussion / howto guide, includes creating a sample table based on the Pubs database as well as sample code.

    Basically the data must be read/written in chunks

    One example of ADO code to do this is:

    Public Sub AppendChunkX()

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim rstPubInfo As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim strCn As String

    Dim strPubID As String

    Dim strPRInfo As String

    Dim lngOffset As Long

    Dim lngLogoSize As Long

    Dim varLogo As Variant

    Dim varChunk As Variant

    Const conChunkSize = 100

    ' Open a connection.

    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

    strCn = "Server=srv;Database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

    cn.Provider = "sqloledb"

    cn.Open strCn

    'Open the pub_info_x table.

    Set rstPubInfo = New ADODB.Recordset

    rstPubInfo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

    rstPubInfo.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    rstPubInfo.Open "pub_info_x", cn, , , adCmdTable

    'Prompt for a logo to copy.

    strMsg = "Available logos are : " & vbCr & vbCr

    Do While Not rstPubInfo.EOF

    strMsg = strMsg & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _


    InStr(rstPubInfo!pr_info, ",") - 1) & vbCr & vbCr



    strMsg = strMsg & "Enter the ID of a logo to copy:"

    strPubID = InputBox(strMsg)

    ' Copy the logo to a variable in chunks.

    rstPubInfo.Filter = "pub_id = '" & strPubID & "'"

    lngLogoSize = rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize

    Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize

    varChunk = rstPubInfo!logo.GetChunk(conChunkSize)

    varLogo = varLogo & varChunk

    lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize


    ' Get data from the user.

    strPubID = Trim(InputBox("Enter a new pub ID:"))

    strPRInfo = Trim(InputBox("Enter descriptive text:"))

    ' Add a new record, copying the logo in chunks.


    rstPubInfo!pub_id = strPubID

    rstPubInfo!pr_info = strPRInfo

    lngOffset = 0 ' Reset offset.

    Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize

    varChunk = LeftB(RightB(varLogo, lngLogoSize - _


    rstPubInfo!logo.AppendChunk varChunk

    lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize



    ' Show the newly added data.

    MsgBox "New record: " & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _

    "Description: " & rstPubInfo!pr_info & vbCr & _

    "Logo size: " & rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize



    Hope this points you in the right direction.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Noted. Will investigate.

    Many thanks.

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